Royal Dragon by Ash Roberts

Royal Dragon by Ash Roberts

Author:Ash Roberts
Language: eng
Format: epub

Chapter Sixteen

THE NEXT MORNING, I followed Esgeril to a small arena near the dragon pavilion for the first class of the day—Tactics. But the professor, a small woman with deep lines in her face, turned me away. "You are so far behind, dear, that you have no clue what is going on. Authand wants you to report to Flatch, instead."

The Dragoneers who had arrived before us stared at me as I left the room, murmuring between themselves, undoubtedly discussing how much of a fool I'd made of myself once again. I went back outside and realized that I did not know how to find Flatch or even who he was. I turned and steeled myself to go back in and ask in front of everyone, cementing my reputation as the camp idiot.

"Ho," a raspy voice called behind me. A white-haired elf stood hunched over where there had been no one a moment before. "Follow me." He turned sharply and strode across the grounds.

Figuring he couldn't possibly be a new rider, I chased after him. I was surprised by how quickly he moved and was huffing by the time we reached a small hut by the lake. He pointed at a small rock half buried in the sand, and I took the hint to sit.

"In the mornings, I will teach you theory and, in the afternoon, you will go with Lewon to train."

Had Lewon asked for that privilege or been assigned to me? Well, at least I'd get to ask him if he'd set me up in the Capture the Flag game.

"Did you say something? Speak up, girl. My hearing isn't what it used to be."

"I didn't say anything."

"Good. Best to keep your mouth shut and your ears open."

He disappeared into the hut and came back with a wooden chair that he placed in front of my rock, finally introducing himself as Flatch. He then settled into his chair before launching into a history of the Dragoneers. My mind wandered, and I paid more attention to the position of the sun than to the lecture. I tracked its progress to its zenith, thinking of seeing Lewon again.

Finally, the bells tolled, signaling lunch. I said a quick thanks to Flatch for the lesson I had ignored and rushed off to the dining hall.

After lunch, Farean and I flew to the spot by the lake where Lewon had said he would meet me. Calen splashed in the lake while Lewon whittled away at a stick with a mean looking knife.

"Sticks are boring." Farean commented, as we set down on the sandy beach. "Except the big sticks goblins make to puncture dragon hide."

My poor little dragon baby was growing up and learning the dangers of the world. The thought made me sad.

I fumbled with my harness buckles, hoping Lewon wouldn't notice.

I climbed down and took the saddle off Farean, saying, "Well, go on, then. Have fun and see what Calen can teach you." She took a running jump into the shallows and landed with a splash that threatened to soak me despite my distance.


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