Where the Heart Leads by Ally McGuire

Where the Heart Leads by Ally McGuire

Author:Ally McGuire [McGuire, Ally]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: lesbian celebrity romance, sapphic celebrity romance, lesbian romance, sapphic romance
Publisher: Butterworth Books
Published: 2023-03-31T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seventeen

Luna put another nickel in her pocket. “Are you letting me win? Because that would suck.”

Finn shook her head and reshuffled the tiles. Her concentration was anywhere but on the game at hand. Rather, she couldn’t get her mind off the game playing out in her life. Her wild attraction to Angie, the mystery around her mother, and her damn agent who kept calling to ask her to reconsider the award and to ask about the next novel. And then there was Luna, a kid she was growing attached to.

“Obviously not. Letting someone win isn’t kind. It means you don’t respect them or their ability. I respect you and your ability. You’re winning fair and square.”

Luna gave a devious smile. “Soon I’ll beat you every time.”

“Ambition is good as long as it doesn’t cloud your thinking.” The words brought up memories of her father, and she gritted her teeth. She’d gone years with barely a thought of him and now he was messing with her head daily. “Your mom said you went to a science thing over the weekend. How was it?”

Luna was quiet as she shuffled the tiles longer than was necessary. “It was good, I think.” She glanced at Finn and then back to the table. “How do you know if people like you? If you fit in?”

“Big questions for afternoon coffee.” Finn took a drink of her now cold latte and grimaced. “I guess you know if people like you, because they want to hang out with you. They talk to you and enjoy your company. They want to know things about you, and they want to share things about themselves with you. Any of that sound right?”

Luna played her turn, and they sat in silence for a few more moves before she looked up. “But what if they’re just being nice?”

“Hmm.” Finn made a move and then tilted her head toward Delia. “Do you think she likes me?”

Luna looked at Delia for a minute. “I think so. She talks to you and laughs a lot. Plus, she brings you coffee even when you don’t order it.”

“And should I think she’s doing it just because she’s trying to be nice? Or should I believe that her actions are genuine because she hasn’t given me any reason to think otherwise?”

Luna frowned and pushed her glasses up. “Explain.”

“Okay.” She made her move, but Luna didn’t look at the game. “I think it’s really easy to doubt people. Thinking negative thoughts is always easier than thinking positive ones. It’s built into our DNA. Evolution has taught us to be constantly aware of danger in order to survive, and now, in a society where we no longer worry about being eaten by tigers or bears, we worry about our social order instead. But in this case, evolution is wrong. We should trust that people are who they say they are until they show us that they’re something else. If people wanted to hang out with you, if they wanted to talk to you and you had fun, then take it at face value.


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