Time Will Tell (Castro Book 1) by Sherryl Hancock

Time Will Tell (Castro Book 1) by Sherryl Hancock

Author:Sherryl Hancock [Hancock, Sherryl]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Vulpine Press
Published: 2022-06-01T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 4

It had been a week since Ariana had gone to the club with Jaims and they hadn’t talked since that next morning when Jaims had taken her home. Ariana knew she was avoiding an uncomfortable situation. She wasn’t sure what to say to Jaims, and the fact that Jaims hadn’t contacted her, to Ariana, said it all. She was, therefore, a bit hesitant when Jaims emailed her to tell her that they needed to go over to the DGS architect’s office to look over the plans for their upcoming move. The email was very businesslike, but ended with the comment that if Ariana wanted a ride over to the architect’s office, she should meet her over at her office.

Ariana arrived outside of Jaims’ office and knocked lightly on the door, feeling really odd. Jaims answered, already wearing her jacket and carrying her keys.

“Come on, I don’t want to be late,” she said with a grin. “The architects get cranky when you’re late.”

“Okay,” Ariana said, following Jaims out to the garage.

As always, Jaims opened the passenger door for Ariana, then got in on the driver’s side.

“So, I’ve been wanting to talk to you…” Ariana began as Jaims backed out of her parking space.

“Okay, what’s up?”

“Well, I didn’t want you to think I was avoiding you or anything…I just…I wasn’t sure how to act now…”

“Now that what?” Jaims asked, glancing over at her with a wry grin.

Ariana was stumped by that question. “I don’t know…I guess because I got so drunk and stupid at the bar…”

“How were you stupid?”

“I…I don’t know… Wasn’t I really flirty and stuff?”

Jaims laughed, nodding. “Yeah you were flirty, especially with BB, but I think she really liked it, so that’s a good thing.”

“It is?” Ariana queried, looking shocked.

“Yeah, she needs all the confidence building she can get at this point.”

“Why do you say that?”

“She’s had it rough over the last few years.”

“Rough how?”

“Well, her parents kicked her out for being gay. All of her friends at the time were religious nuts who immediately abandoned her for the same reason. She’s so damned painfully shy she had really nowhere to go, so she was on the streets for a while, got attacked, hurt…It was a bad scene.”

“Oh my God, who would hurt that sweet girl?”

Jaims smiled at the concern in Ariana’s voice. She knew she’d been right about the girl.

“Well, unfortunately, there’s still a lot of hate out there for us gays, so…” Jaims said.

“Well that’s just not right! I’m glad she has you bois now.”

“Yeah, we’re good for protecting her, and we’re trying to kind of guide her in the ways of meeting girls, but she’s really impossible sometimes. A lot of the girls at the bar tend to want a butch that’s more take charge, and she’s not even close to being able to do that yet. So she misses out a lot of times.”

Ariana pressed her lips together in consternation. “She’s frigging adorable, who wouldn’t see that?” she asked, her low opinion of such blind individuals reflected in her tone.


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