The Lonely Hearts Rescue by Morgan Lee Miller & Nell Stark & Missouri Vaun

The Lonely Hearts Rescue by Morgan Lee Miller & Nell Stark & Missouri Vaun

Author:Morgan Lee Miller & Nell Stark & Missouri Vaun [Miller, Morgan Lee & Stark, Nell & Vaun, Missouri]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
Published: 2022-10-02T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Six

Del arrived at the park to find a large van parked near the gate. Its back doors were open, and a woman was in the act of unloading equipment. As Del watched, she slung a camera onto her shoulder and balanced a box on her hip.

“Can I help?” Del asked.

“Oh…sure.” The woman seemed relieved by her offer. “You can grab the box, if you want.”

“You’re with Fish Out of Water?” Del asked as they walked toward the gate.

“That’s right.” The woman looked at Del curiously. “How did you know?”

“I’m Faith’s girlfriend.” The words felt awkward on Del’s lips. Over the past few days, she had told other people about dating Faith, but she had never introduced herself in relation to Faith.

“Oh!” The woman extended her hand. “Michelle. Camerawoman, obviously. Let me introduce you to Sharon, the producer. What’s your name again?”

Having to make small talk did nothing to ease Del’s nerves as they walked through the gate. A few dogs and their owners were milling about, but Faith was nowhere to be found. As promised, Michelle brokered a stilted introductory conversation between her and Sharon. Sharon was beautiful in that glossy way reminiscent of magazine covers, and Del felt unaccountably awkward in her presence. Angry at herself and resentful of Sharon’s Hollywood aura, Del struggled to be personable, much less gregarious.

Then her peripheral vision caught sight of a golden blur streaking toward her from the direction of the gate. Buffy. She broke off what she had been saying mid-sentence, turned, and dropped to one knee.

Buffy arrived, tongue lolling, and rested her paws on Del’s leg, straining to reach her face. Laughing but careful to keep her mouth shut, Del held still for the kisses.

“Should I be jealous?” Faith’s voice was warm with amusement.

Del opened her eyes. As Faith walked toward her, she experienced sudden empathy with iron filings in the presence of a magnet. Gray jeans clung to Faith’s muscular legs, and in deference to the coolness of the evening, she wore a black puffy vest over a crimson hoodie. A lapel mic was clipped to the neck of the sweatshirt. Surely, she was well aware she was being watched, yet she didn’t look away from Del, and her smile was genuine, not performative.

A telltale flutter manifested in Del’s chest, moth wings against a lampshade. Alarm bells followed, deafening inside her head. Acutely aware of the crew nearby, Del stood slowly, uncertain. Faith’s smile never faltered, but when her eyes narrowed slightly, Del realized she had picked up on her discomfort.

The thought only made her more self-conscious, but then Faith was there, and Faith’s arms were cupping her waist, and Faith was leaning in close for the kiss.

“Are you okay?” Faith whispered as she approached, lips barely moving.

“Yes,” Del said. The word emerged breathless, but she had no time to care before Faith’s mouth was on hers. She expected the kiss to be brief, but Faith lingered, sucking gently at her lower lip. Sparks skittered beneath Del’s skin, redirecting her nervousness.


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