Rune Seeker by J. M. Clarke

Rune Seeker by J. M. Clarke

Author:J. M. Clarke [Clarke, J. M.]
Language: eng
Format: epub, azw3
Amazon: B0CBSQZMW4
Goodreads: 188763581
Publisher: Aethon Books
Published: 2023-10-17T07:00:00+00:00



Hiral stood off to the side, Left and Right with him, as Seena stepped ahead of the group and looked at the Spearing Roots barricade set up in the doorway.

“Everybody ready?” she asked.

Hiral took a quick look at his buffs. The usual Nature’s Bulwark was in place, along with a new buff from Gourmand. It wasn’t terribly much—End increased by five percent—but considering it was from the dungeon rations they had tons of, it wasn’t bad. And it lasted a full eight hours.

Wonder if multiple food buffs stack?

Lonil slapped his new club into his free hand, snapping Hiral’s attention back to the real world, and the tank’s skin hardened into matching stone. The plan was for Seeyela’s group to go first in case there were any monsters waiting at the entrance, and the party readied themselves to rush out.

“Do it,” Seeyela instructed.

With a wave of Seena’s hand, the barricade vanished in a puff of slightly purple solar energy—the infernal trait?—and she stepped aside, Lonil and the others rushing past.

They gave them to the count of five, then Nivian led Seena’s party through the door, around the turn, and out the short tunnel to find Seeyela and her group waiting for them in the rain.

“Clear,” Fitch said as they arrived.

“You don’t say?” Vix asked, but all eyes continued to scan the darkness as multiple croaks echoed somewhere deeper in the forest.

“Sounds like there are still lizards out there,” Seena said. “Remember how we talked about dealing with them.”

“They’re in for a couple of nasty surprises if they try to get horny around me,” Yanily said.

“Horned lizards. Horned,” Vix repeated.

“Doesn’t change my stance on this,” Yanily shot back.

“Left, anything?” Hiral asked, blocking out the Growers and instead focusing his hearing on the sounds of the forest.

The rain, lighter than it’d been when they went into the dungeon, was a constant thrumming on the leaves and ground—easy enough to ignore—but other, more inconsistent sounds filtered through. The faint buzzing and clicking of insects. Birds’ wings flapping through the trees. The croaks of the giant lizards, of course, but also those of something smaller. Frogs?

“Nothing close, I think,” Left responded. “A lot more life in the forest, though. Natural creatures emerging after the worst of the storm has passed.”

“The rain is a lot better than before,” Wule said. “And these clothes, whatever they’re made of, are actually repelling most of the water. Do you think they’re magic?”

Hiral looked at the sleeve of his jacket, the material smooth and light, and concentrated.

Raincoat – E-Rank

“I don’t think it’s magic,” Hiral said. “Just a material we don’t have up on the islands.”

“Left, you sure you don’t want one?” Seena asked the double.

“It would prevent me from quickly using my tattoos. Thank you anyway,” Left replied, the rain pattering off his skin.

“Let me know if you change your mind,” Seena said before turning her attention to the party as a group. “Time to get moving. Like we planned, Seeyela’s party will take the lead, and we’ll hang a bit back.


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