Nightshade Revenge by Anthony Horowitz

Nightshade Revenge by Anthony Horowitz

Author:Anthony Horowitz [Horowitz, Anthony]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781529517507
Publisher: Walker Books
Published: 2023-09-07T00:00:00+00:00


After fourteen hours in the air, Alex was feeling tired, grubby and a very long way from home. Because of the nine-hour time difference, he had flown through a day that had stretched on and on, so that although the plane had left Nice at seven in the morning, they’d still managed to arrive in San Francisco in time for lunch.

Not that a restaurant stop was part of the plan. Ben Daniels was in a hurry to find the answers to his questions and they drove out of San Francisco International Airport in a rental car – a silver Chevrolet – heading straight for Mission Bay and the building where Colin White had died. Wilbur White had hired a private detective to find out what had happened to his son. As a result, he had been killed in a highly organized – and expensive – helicopter strike. A CIA agent had also died and several more had been injured. Nightshade had to be behind the attack and Ben was now certain that Colin’s death was the key to everything that was happening.

They picked up the 101 freeway outside the airport and headed north. For a while, the eight-lane motorway led them through an uninteresting landscape of old houses and industrial buildings separated by patches of wasteland, with no sign of the city itself. Then they came to the ocean’s edge and Alex saw the huge sky and seemingly endless stretch of water that briefly reminded him of the happy times he’d spent in California. He had actually lived here for a few months, staying with one of his closest friends – Sabina Pleasure – and her family. He had already called them and arranged to see them later that day.

The road took them inland and the sea disappeared, replaced by a suburban sprawl, until suddenly, ahead of them, a wall of skyscrapers sprang up and, seeing them, Alex felt a surge of excitement. The Transamerica Pyramid, the Millennium Tower, the Avery… They stretched across the horizon, glinting in the sun. For Alex, San Francisco had always been one of the most beautiful cities in the world, glittering and modern, yet full of old-world charm. They followed a ramp down into the city itself and made their way through a series of intersections. The sky was a perfect blue, but this was the first week of April and the people they saw on the pavements were still wearing light jackets or jerseys.

“Mission Bay is in front of us,” Ben explained. “It used to be an industrial zone, but it’s being redeveloped. That’s why there are so many new buildings going up.”

“So what was Colin White doing there?”

“That’s a good question, Alex. Maybe he was looking for hedgehogs and demons.”

They came to a harbour. The water was concealed behind a line of low-rise buildings, but Alex could see the masts of sailing boats on the other side and there were occasional glimpses of blue in the gaps. Ben pulled into a


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