Jessi-cat by Jayne Dillon

Jessi-cat by Jayne Dillon

Author:Jayne Dillon [Dillon, Jayne with Maloney, Alison]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781782431336
Publisher: Michael O'Mara

DR JOHN IN HIS LETTER added that we could not treat the communication difficulty unless its cause was understood. He concluded, ‘The expected outcome is positive, providing Lorcan’s anxieties are the focus of the attention, i.e. not speech-focused.’

As a result, Lorcan was finally seen by a new speech-and-language therapist, who had some experience of selective mutism, and she gave excellent support to his school.

Dr John was still concerned about Lorcan’s continuing struggle at school and he believed Lorcan should be ‘statemented’ – issued with a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN), which, in turn, could mean support and funding for the school to help him get the best out of his education. This, I agreed, would become even more crucial when he progressed from primary to secondary school – a move that terrified me, in the light of the trauma I knew Adam had been through in his teenage years.

As soon as I got home from the appointment, I wrote to Trafford Local Education Authority requesting the SEN statement. A few weeks later, I received an extremely unhelpful letter which began, ‘Dear Mrs Dillan’. So they had spelled my name wrong, a shabby start, to say the least. It went on to say, ‘According to the Special Education Needs code of practice, medical diagnosis of disability does not necessarily imply that a child has special education needs.’ In other words, bog off!

Fancy sending that letter out to a worried parent. I wasn’t happy. Naturally, that wasn’t the last they were to hear from me.


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