epub |eng | 2022-09-03 | Author:Alisa Adams [Adams, Alisa]

As Ragnall and Slaine rode off in the direction the old man had indicated, Slaine said, “I can see now why you were inspired to leave the life of a ...
( Category: Ancient World June 8,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-03-05 | Author:Katherine Reay

Chapter 16 Luisa Voekler Tuesday, November 7, 1989 Outside Langley, the day has grown cloudy and it feels personal. Dark clouds hover above me, against me. I keep glancing in ...
( Category: 20th Century June 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-09-23 | Author:Tina Gabrielle

Chapter Twenty-One They rode back together. After their afternoon sojourn, there was an easy camaraderie between them. Perhaps it was the lovely blue sky and pleasant weather. Or perhaps it ...
( Category: Historical June 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-03-05 | Author:Jaclyn Reding [Reding, Jaclyn]

11 In the days before Michaelmas, Juliana became more fully engrossed in her wall painting, until it seemed she wanted to do nothing else. Even the promise of Mà iri’s ...
( Category: Scottish June 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-05 | Author:Kady Ash [Ash, Kady]

Thirteen Scar One day, when I’m sitting on death row, I’ll look back on this moment as the one that fucked me over. I’ll sit there and wonder why I ...
( Category: American June 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2029-09-30 | Author:Vera Bell

Chapter Thirty-Three A Ride on the Mainland November 10, 1559, Ulster, Ireland A month had passed, but nothing changed. Terrified to close my eyes at night, I struggled to stay ...
( Category: Medieval June 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-03-14 | Author:Harriet Knowles & A Lady [Knowles, Harriet & Lady, a]

( Category: Regency May 31,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-02-12 | Author:Eloise Madigan [Madigan, Eloise]

“We kenned this day would come, did we nae? When ye made the offer… I just thought I had more time.” “I ken, so did I. But ye’ve got to ...
( Category: Scottish May 23,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-03-19 | Author:J.J. McAvoy [McAvoy, J.J.]

Wilhelm This did not happen to me. Many had tried, many had come close, but no woman had ever made me enjoy rowing a damn boat. And it was not ...
( Category: Regency May 21,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-29 | Author:Danielle Steel [Steel, Danielle]

* * * — The days were as long and hard as her bunkmates had warned her, and as she had expected. Their shared information made life easier, but the ...
( Category: 20th Century May 14,2024 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:KAREN HAWKINS [HAWKINS, KAREN]

Chapter 16 Contents - Prev / Next To say that no one recognized Julia in her new finery would be a misstatement, but several people openly stared and at least ...
( Category: Highlanders May 10,2024 )
epub |eng | 2017-06-02 | Author:Emma Osborne & A Lady [Osborne, Emma & Lady, a]

* * * As the carriage rolled away and Mrs. Bennet completed the obligatory farewells to their hosts through the window, she turned to Jane, her face a mask of ...
( Category: Historical May 10,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2017-06-03 | Author:Emma Osborne & A Lady

* * * As the carriage rolled away and Mrs. Bennet completed the obligatory farewells to their hosts through the window, she turned to Jane, her face a mask of ...
( Category: Historical May 10,2024 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:KAREN HAWKINS [HAWKINS, KAREN]

Chapter 16 The problem with gambling, whether it be for sport or profit, is that one rarely wins without also losing. Mrs. Kemble to Lord Alvaney, commiserating with each other ...
( Category: Victorian May 10,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-12-03 | Author:Lisa Prysock [Prysock, Lisa]

CHAPTER 12 We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. E.M. FORSTER Abby accomplished ...
( Category: Gilded Age May 8,2024 )