Wrapped in Color: Stranded Knitting in the 21st Century by Tomasello Deborah

Wrapped in Color: Stranded Knitting in the 21st Century by Tomasello Deborah

Author:Tomasello, Deborah [Tomasello, Deborah]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2013-08-12T00:00:00+00:00

by Deborah Tomasello

Size: Woman’s Medium

Materials: 1 ball each of KnitPicks Palette:ClarityandBrass Heather #3 circular needle or five #3 DPNs (or size needed to obtain gauge) **Any fingering-weight yarn will do

tapestry needle

6mm beads, if desired, and a small crochet hook for attaching them

Gauge: 32 stitches and 32 rounds = 4” using #3 needles

Abbreviations: K2TOG = Knit two stitches together.

SSK = Slip one stitch, then slip the next. Insert left needle into the front loops of the slipped stitches and knit them together from this position.

MITTS: Pocket: CO 20 stitches with Clarity. Knit, in stockinette, about 30 rows or 3.5 inches. End with a purl row. DO NOT Bind off. Steam block. Set aside.

Mitt: With DPNs, CO 56 sts (14 sts on each of 4 DPNs) using Caribbean. Knit 2x2 rib for 16 rounds. Knitting first round: Inc 8 sts (Inc 2 sts evenly on each of 4 needles). Knit 64 sts according to CHART A through round 13. (See tutorial for bead placement here) Continue to follow chart, and inc for thumb as follows:

Thumb Increase Round 14: m1, k1, m1 in first st (3 sts now in first st). Continue to k sts as shown around

Round 15: knit all sts according to chart Round 16: m1, k3, m1, cont. to k sts around as shown Round 17: knit all sts around according to chart Round 18: m1, k5, m1, cont. to k sts around as shown Round 19: knit all sts around according to chart Round 20: m1, k7, m1, cont. to k sts around as shown Round 21: knit all sts around according to chart Round 22: m1, k9, m1, cont. to k sts around as shown Round 23: knit all sts around according to chart Round 24: m1, k11, m1, cont. to k sts around as shown Round 25: knit all sts around according to chart Round 26: m1, k13, m1, cont. to k sts around as shown Round 27: knit all sts around according to chart Round 28: m1, k15, m1, cont. to k sts around as shown Round 29: knit all sts around according to chart Round 30: m1, k17, m1 cont. to k sts around as shown Round 31: knit all sts around according to chart Round 32: m1, k19, m1 cont. to k sts around as shown Round 33: knit all sts around according to chart

Round 34: Move 21 thumb sts to fifth DPN (or waste yarn) to be worked as thumb later. M1 st in next st so you will be working the chart’s 64 sts. Follow chart around with 64 stitches on needles.

Rounds 35 to 48: Knit chart. Pocket: Round 49: Add pocket—Knit 6 stitches. Move next 20 sts to stitch holder. Retrieve needle with pocket stitches, and with pocket front (stockinette side) facing you, continue to knit chart with these stitches.

Knit chart through round 58. Knit 2x2 rib using Clarity for 20 rounds (2.5 inches to completely cover fingers or fold back when you want fingers exposed).

Bind off loosely.

Move 20 stitches from stitch holder to needle.


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