The Troubles of Miss Nicola the Exorcist: Volume 3 [Parts 1 to 3] by Ito Iino

The Troubles of Miss Nicola the Exorcist: Volume 3 [Parts 1 to 3] by Ito Iino

Author:Ito Iino
Language: eng
Format: epub

Because of its double-glazed windows, this classroom was warmer than any other, which Nicola was thankful for due to her sensitivity to the cold. Her fingertips still felt a bit too numb to copy what was written on the chalkboard.

Deciding to warm them up at least once during the lesson, she thrust her hands into her pockets. She became suddenly aware of a rectangular object she could not remember putting there. Though Nicola was immediately suspicious of this object, she pulled it right out. Regardless, she chuckled wryly as she identified it.

“Oh, Karin...”

It was the deck of tarot cards she drew from in the dining hall. Nicola believed she had been told, “If you try drawing cards again tomorrow, you might get a different result!”

But Nicola hadn’t expected Karin to sneak the deck into her pocket. There was no getting past her.

She sighed, then slid the deck over to Char, sitting beside her.

“See these...? You can have them.”

“Tarot cards? Nah, don’t want ’em. It’s not like I use them in my work.”

“I don’t want them either.”

Nicola felt guilt on Karin’s behalf since these were useless to her.

At any rate, the cards Nicola reflected an unavoidable future she was already aware of, even if only subconsciously. It was better not to know about it if it was impossible to avoid.

The cards were reliable enough that, in her past life, she had even used them occasionally in her work as an exorcist. A negative reading would only make one feel deflated when reading one’s fortune, causing it to be pointless.

“Come on, take them.”

“‘Kay, ‘kay,” protested Char as Nicola steadily pushed the cards closer to him, finally accepting them. He stuffed the deck casually into a pocket.

Once the art instructor finished writing all the lines for the class on the chalkboard, she assumed a stance that showed she was about to launch into an explanation. Seeing that Nicola and Char sat at the back of the classroom, the schoolmistress had not noticed them bickering under their breath.

“So, you wanna fill me in?” said Char.


“You were saying something about me when we met near the staircase, right?”


Char had apparently overheard Nicola’s earlier declaration about him.

“Say, Char-taro, look at this,” said Nicola, taking out the note Alois had written for her about his investigation before leaning over to show it to her junior apprentice.

Char chuckled, the sound reverberating deep in his throat again.

“Hilarious. You’re really comparing me to a damn rat who always scrams as soon as he can? What’s up?”

“Wrong, I’m afraid. That hampster called Taro-kun actually scampers. Wait, that’s not the point. What I want to show you is this. I want us to get kitted out and hunt the Seven Wonders,” explained Nicola before sliding the note across the desk for Char to read.

He scanned the note’s contents instantly and brashly leaned over the desk. Once he did so, he propped his head up with his elbows, saying, “Eh, no way.”

His refusal was so blunt that it briefly took Nicola aback.

She hadn’t imagined that he would reject her request so swiftly.


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