The post-american presidency: the obama administration's war on america by Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer & John Bolton

The post-american presidency: the obama administration's war on america by Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer & John Bolton

Author:Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer & John Bolton [Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer & John Bolton]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Politique
ISBN: 9781439189306
Published: 2010-09-15T09:01:28+00:00

The Islamophilic president went so far as to issue a heartfelt special greeting and best wishes to the Muslim pilgrims in Mecca for the Haj… on Thanksgiving Day 2009. Obama asserted that “the rituals of Haj and Eid al-Adha both serve as reminders of the shared Abrahamic roots of three of the world’s major religions.” And he noted: “Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid-al-Adha and distribute food to the less fortunate to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son out of obedience to God.”

In this Obama yet again exacerbated tensions instead of calming them. The Islamic Feast of Eid al-Adha commemorates the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca, the haj, and Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son—Ishmael in the Muslim version. In thinking of Abraham, most Americans think of the biblical figure. In Genesis 22:15–18, Abraham is rewarded for his faith and told he will become a blessing to the nations: “By your descendants shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves, because you have obeyed my voice.”

But the Muslim audiences that Obama addressed in this message did not read Genesis. They read the Qur’an, in which Allah says that Abraham was an “excellent example” for the believers only when he told his pagan family that “there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever, unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone” (60:4). The same verse says that Abraham is not an excellent example, however, when he tells his pagan father, “I will pray for forgiveness for you.”20

Thus the Qur’an, in its picture of Abraham—the man Obama invoked as the quintessential symbol of the common elements of the three faiths—held up hatred as exemplary, while belittling the virtue of forgiveness. Obama thereby reinforced a worldview that took for granted the legitimacy of everlasting enmity between Muslims and non-Muslims—and did so while attempting to build bridges between Muslims and non-Muslims.

He also retained, as his chief liaison to the Islamic world, a defender of Sharia: the draconian Islamic law that mandates stoning of adulterers, amputation of thieves’ hands, and legal discrimination against women and non-Muslims.



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