The Love Code by Susannah Nix

The Love Code by Susannah Nix

Author:Susannah Nix
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Pan Macmillan

Chapter Fourteen

She took Jeremy back to her apartment, because she didn’t know what else to do with him.

He didn’t say a word in the car, or during the walk upstairs. As soon as she had the door open, he sank down on her couch and buried his head in his hands. “Fuck this whole month.”

Melody set her purse down and sat on the couch beside him. After a moment’s hesitation, she laid her hand on his back.

He sighed against her fingers, blowing out a long, shaky breath. “Lacey found someone else. Charlotte and Drew have each other. Even my mom has Geoffrey.” He let out a bitter laugh. “And I’ve got nothing, because I screw up everything I touch.”

There was that debilitating self-doubt again. Melody’s hand moved up and down his back, following the lines of tension. “That’s not true.”

“All this time, I thought Geoffrey believed in me, but it turns out he just felt guilty about screwing my mother.”

“You don’t know that.”

He scrubbed his hands over his face, head still bowed. “I was a complete ass to Drew, and now he’s not talking to me. I treated Charlotte like shit. And when I tried to be better, I still managed to screw things up with Lacey.”

Melody’s fingers curled into his back. “I’m not sure what happened with Lacey was entirely your fault.”

He sat up, and Melody retracted her hand as he leaned back against the couch. “I couldn’t make her happy,” he said, glaring at the opposite wall. “If she’d been happy with me, she never would have fallen in love with someone else.”

Fair enough. On the other hand . . . “Maybe she just wasn’t the right person for you. You know, you might want to consider widening your dating pool beyond the Lopez sisters. Just a thought.”

His glare swung her way and softened. “I’m sorry to drag you into all my problems. You didn’t ask for any of this.”

She shook her head. “Do you not remember that whole thing where you found me bawling my eyes out in my car? I owe you.” Which gave her an excellent idea. “Ice cream!” she said, leaping up from the couch. “That’s what you need!”

“You don’t have to—”

“Shush,” she said as she pulled open the freezer. All the ice cream shops were closed, but she always kept a supply on hand—for emergencies, of course, which this definitely was. She carried the tub of ice cream and two spoons into the living room.

“Extreme Maximum Chocolate Fudge Chunk,” she said, dropping onto the couch and setting the ice cream between them. She presented Jeremy with a spoon. “Pour vous, monsieur.”

He accepted the spoon and arched an eyebrow as he peered into the tub. “I don’t know, are you sure it’s chocolatey enough?”

“Mmmm, you’re right,” she said, excavating a chunk of frozen fudge. “You’d think they could have found a way to squeeze a little more chocolate in here.”

“It’s like they’re not even trying,” he agreed around a mouthful of ice cream.

Between the two of them, they managed to polish off the whole container in the space of a few minutes.


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