The Interior by Lisa See

The Interior by Lisa See

Author:Lisa See [See, Lisa]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: Detective
Publisher: Random House


SILENTLY DAVID AND HULAN WATCHED AS PEARL AND GUY stepped into the elevator and the doors closed. David didn’t know what to say. What he’d thought of as a bad situation out at Suchee’s house had just gotten much worse.

“If Pearl really has a copy of Miaoshan’s papers,” Hulan said at last, “then she knows no more than we do.”

“But she’s not going to stop until—”

“We have a lot to talk about. Let’s not do it here.”

In their room, David asked what Guy had said in Mandarin. Hulan told him, then added, “I knew I couldn’t ask him in English. It was too private, and I didn’t think he’d tell me in front of you or that woman.”

David sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’m in trouble.”

“Maybe, maybe not. In the last few hours we’ve been deluged with facts and innuendoes. We have to sort through them.”

“Why? It’s clear that Pearl Jenner has an agenda and I’m part of it. As she said, it doesn’t matter whether I participate in her story or not. She’s still going to write it.”

“And destroy your reputation?”

“It’s not just my reputation,” he said. “It’s who I am.”

Hulan knelt before him, put her hands on his knees, and looked up into his face. “You know that what I have always loved most about you is your integrity, but ethics and honor are easy to live by as long as they aren’t tested. This is your test.”

“But I did nothing wrong. I’m just a lawyer who’s bound by client confidentiality. That’s not my fault.”

“David, you know I love you, but maybe it’s your fault in the sense that you chose not to know.” Before he could say anything, she put a finger on his lips to keep him from speaking. “You took the job at Phillips, MacKenzie without asking enough questions. You took on the Tartan matter without knowing all the details. You agreed to represent Governor Sun without finding out what his problems were. Now that you represent him, you still don’t know what it is exactly that he wants from you. I understand why you didn’t ask. You wanted to be here with me. And I know this isn’t the right time to say this, but you came here without even asking me if this was what I wanted.”

Everything she said was true. He had put his wanting to be with Hulan before anything else. His love for her had always blinded him, but knowing this didn’t change the way he operated. If anything, he’d always had to act for both of them. That’s why he hadn’t asked her if she wanted him to come. (What if she’d said no?) That’s why when Hulan had run away from him during dinner, he’d gone straight back to the hotel, rousted Lo out of bed, and made the investigator drive him out into the pitch black of the countryside to Suchee’s hovel. He could have said something about the poverty of that place, about the filth, about Hulan’s sanity in risking her health and that of their child’s by being there.


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