The History of the Fourth of July by Barbara Linde

The History of the Fourth of July by Barbara Linde

Author:Barbara Linde [Linde, Barbara M.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing LLLP

A New Federal Holiday

July 4 has been a federal holiday since 1870. Most federal and state government offices are closed. Many businesses and schools are closed. Workers often have the day off.

Celebrating Since 1785

Bristol, Rhode Island, honors the Fourth of July in a big way. The first celebration was in 1785. There has been a celebration every year since then. That’s over 230 years! People enjoy a parade, tasty food, and lots of other fun.

A Party in the Capital

Washington, DC, is the capital of the United States. On July 4, the fun starts there in the morning with a huge parade. Monuments and museums are open.

Someone reads the Declaration of Independence to the big crowd that gathers. The day ends with a concert and fireworks.


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