The Breaking of Mona Hill by Christy Aldridge

The Breaking of Mona Hill by Christy Aldridge

Author:Christy Aldridge [Aldridge, Christy]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-03-15T00:00:00+00:00

Mark 7:30

She went home and found her child lying on the bed, and the demon gone.

Mona often wondered how different she might be if she’d had a different life. When she was born, if her parents had been different people, not related, not cruel, not the man and woman she knew as Mama and Daddy, would she be a different person?

It was more than just wondering how her life would have been. No one’s life was perfect. She didn’t have some grandiose fairytale idea of how happy and carefree she would have been in someone else’s life. Even Jill from the clinic would have bad days and bad people that came into her life. No one escaped life.

She wondered if she would be a different person altogether. One small change. Different parents, not Beau’s twin, born in a different town, on a different day, a different year, if just one tiny thing had been different at her conception, would she have been fundamentally changed? Smarter or dumber. Extroverted or introverted. Kind or evil. Selfish or selfless.

How much did those circumstances influence who she was as a person? Was being born on a Thursday an indicator to how ugly you could be? Were Sunday babies prettier? Maybe Tuesday babies were smarter. Did it affect anything in your personality to be born on a different date or time?

Mona knew about the zodiac signs. When she was in the third grade, some girl at school told her she was a Capricorn. When Mona mentioned it to her mama, she slapped her and told her not to ever mess around with that witchcraft again. Astrology was one of the Devil’s tools.

Mona never looked into anything else about it, but she wondered. She wondered if the way the stars were aligned on the day she was born had any bearing on who she became, different personality traits she might have had from being born during that specific time frame.

Or was it environment? Was being born in the south something that caused her to be one way or another? Maybe the humidity or the amount of sun in her life would push her toward different routes. Different mindsets. The weather had effects on plants and animals. What if it had one on humans too? Especially during their developmental stages.

But she also wondered about simply being born a twin. Were their fates entwined when she and Beau shared the same womb? Did Beau and all the possible outside forces that could affect him have a butterfly effect in how she developed as well?

Was she born bad?

That was the question she thought about the most. Was she simply born the way that she was? Predetermined to have certain thoughts, reactions, and feelings? Was it something she didn’t have control over because her fate was decided long before she took her first breath?

Or had her first heartbeat?

The Bible spoke of free will, but God was also omnipotent. He was all knowing, all seeing. If he knew and saw all


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