Sweet Rogue O'Mine (Rogues of Redemption Book 1) by Brenna Ash

Sweet Rogue O'Mine (Rogues of Redemption Book 1) by Brenna Ash

Author:Brenna Ash [Ash, Brenna]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Dragonblade Publishing, Inc.
Published: 2024-03-26T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Fifteen

Gwen sat on the grass on a wool blanket provided by the duke with a book in her lap. The twins and Guthrie were playing a ruthless game of Touch. Earlier, they had roped the older children that they could find into a game of hide and seek. Althea was the undisputed queen of the game. She was always the last to be found, and the first to find someone in hiding.

Amos seemed to be leading this game, but Guthrie and Althea were holding their own well.

The sun warmed her skin, and she grabbed the parasol that she’d carried out with her and flicked it open. It was funny how life was a path of twists and turns. When her parents were alive, they’d always taken care of keeping out of the sun and keeping shaded. Once they’d passed, that effort seemed so trivial when there were much more important things to worry about.

Now that they were living at Huntly, once again, the sun became something important to care about.

Althea shrieked and Gwen’s head snapped to her to see what the matter was, her heart in her throat. It was nothing, of course. She had been caught by Guthrie and was now pouting.

Guthrie had a huge grin on his face, red from running. Gwen was so happy to see him acting like a child again. Playing as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Which he didn’t, now that they were here.

Because of Nicholas, thankfully.

He had been busy with his friends the past day or so, but when he saw her this morning, he paused and asked her about her plans for the day. That’s when he gave her the blanket to sit upon.

She would have been perfectly happy sitting on the grass. After not having any greenspace for so long, she relished the feeling of the blades of grass on her palms as she leaned back.

But the blanket was nice, and she didn’t need to worry about staining her skirts.

Now the children… That was a whole other story.

She had all she could do to have Althea keep her shoes on and not run through the grass in her stockinged feet. Apparently, that was a favorite pastime of hers. Gwen couldn’t imagine the laundress’s dismay when she would have to fight the stains on the lass’s clothes.

“May I join ye?”

She’d been so engrossed in watching the children that she hadn’t heard the duke approach.

Quickly, she scrambled onto her feet and dipped in a small curtsy. “Your Grace.” She bowed her head in greeting.

“Miss Romy, please. ’Tis just I. Remember, ye can call me Nicholas.”

She gazed around him. There was no one else around, other than their siblings. “It doesna feel right. What will people think?”

He leaned down to whisper in her ear, sending tingles along her spine. “I dinna care what people think.”

He backed away and looked at her with a smirk, his dark brown brow raised as if daring her to disagree.

Lord, the man was dashing. His mask was in place and his dark hair swept off his forehead.


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