Strings_A Dark Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance by Bea Paige

Strings_A Dark Contemporary Reverse Harem Romance by Bea Paige

Author:Bea Paige [Paige, Bea]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-04-15T05:00:00+00:00

Rose – Present Day

I wake up with a jolt. My eyes flying open. Erik’s standing in the centre of the room. Eyes open, fucking screaming.

On the other side of the glass is both Anton and Ivan. Ivan is yanking at the door handle, Anton pressing the control frantically.

The door isn’t opening.

And Erik is still screaming.

Fear, real dark, suffocating fear fills my lungs. It’s the same kind of fear that stripped me bare in the cupboard beneath Cerulean Blue.

My demon roars in my chest in response.

Yet, the thrill I feel is intoxicating. My body snaps to attention, the last remnants of sleep evaporating. This. This is what makes me feel alive.

Erik is gone, replaced with the monster ready to rip me to shreds, and in this state he will.

Danger, darkness, death…

It’s all a heartbeat away.

“ERIK!” Ivan roars, pounding his fist against the glass wall.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! It’s not opening, Ivan. It’s not fucking working!” Anton shouts, gripping his hair in his hand.

I sit up in bed slowly, cautiously. My whole body is trembling, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I look at Erik.

So far, he hasn’t noticed me.

But Ivan and Anton have. Their reaction is the same.

Don’t fucking move, they tell me with their eyes.

I turn to look at Erik who’s panting now, his eyes wild. Sweat drips down his forehead, sticking his hair against his head. The veins in his neck bulge from his skin.

He’s lost.

Wherever the hell he is, it isn’t a good place and here I am trapped in the memory with him. I can almost feel the power of it seeping from his skin and sucking me into its hold. I’m on the periphery, orbiting his pain, but at some point soon I know I’m going to be sucked into the black hole of its destruction if I don’t do something.

Out of the corner of my eye, Anton moves along the glass wall whilst Ivan distracts Erik as much as he can. I’m not even sure his shouting and fist bumping is penetrating the memory Erik’s lost in, but he continues, hoping it’s enough to keep Erik’s attention elsewhere.

Anton crouches down, flattening his hand against the glass. His eyes are filled with fear and regret.

“The door won’t open,” he mouths.

“It’s okay,” I silently say back.

“You’re in danger and I can’t get to you.”

The pain that fills his eyes is too much to take, so I look away.

Erik has stopped screaming, but his rage is still just as powerful. He’s strung tight, as tight as the strings on his violin that lies discarded in the corner of the room.

I need to reach him.

I need to snap him out of this.

Looking down at my wrist still tied to the bed, I make a decision.

Dancing has snapped him out of his episodes before, I believe it will do so again. Tugging at the rope with shaking fingers I begin to unravel the knot. Fortunately for me, Erik is no longer holding onto the other end. I know this is a bigger risk than I’ve taken before.


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