Songs of Jamaica by Claude McKay

Songs of Jamaica by Claude McKay

Author:Claude McKay
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: West Margin Press

You’s a chil’2 an’ know naught ’bout de wul’ yet,

But you’ll grow an’ larn t’ings you won’t feget;

You lub you’ life, an’ t’ink dere’s nuttin’ better,

Yet all you’ pickny dream dem soon will ’ketter.3

Tek me advice ya, chil’, an’ as you grow

Don’t choose a wuk dat you no like: aldough

You might see money in o’ it, at lengt’

You will get tired o’ it an’ repent.

A suffer, but I t’ink it mek me wise;

It wasn’ fe de money ’trike me yeyes,4

But “water mo’ ’an flour”5 is true wud,

An’ eye-water run too long tu’n to blood.6


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