Someone Has to Die Tonight by Jim Greenhill

Someone Has to Die Tonight by Jim Greenhill

Author:Jim Greenhill [Greenhill, Jim]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Kensington
Published: 2014-12-25T16:00:00+00:00

At 8:00 P.M., Kevin called Burnett again, this time from his house. “Come over.” Burnett drove Kevin and Tom to Chris’s; he was asleep. His dad woke him; he came out and sat in the back of Burnett’s truck. “It was awesome,” Chris said.

“It was great,” Kevin said. “I need to do this more often. You and Tom should’ve been there. Blood went everywhere.” Later he’d explain it was Chris’s idea—Chris was the one who said Schwebes had to die—but it wasn’t Chris who shot him. “He didn’t have the guts, and even if he did, I didn’t know if he could do it right and run fast enough.” All four boys went back to Kevin’s, where Derek and Pete showed up on break from work.

In the front yard, Kevin acted it all out again. “Derek ran out of the way. I was like this. He was right there, and I looked him in the face and he looked at me for a minute, and he, like, went to move or went to turn or something, and he only moved just a little bit, and that’s when I pulled the trigger. I was looking at him in his right eye, and when I pulled the trigger, his eye was gone; it was just like a red cloud all around his head. He flew up in the air, curled up and landed in a fetal position with his ass in the air. I chambered the second one, and I just pointed down and shot him in the ass.” Kevin laughed. “I was gonna take his wallet, but it was probably full of holes. I was running back to the car, and I was laughing on the way back to the car, and I jumped in. It was kind of like when I shot my uncle. And that was different from snipering people. It takes a real coldhearted bastard to do that, and you know that’s what I am. Couldn’t get that guy’s face out of my mind, and I had to go home and jack off and go to sleep. I did it twice, made myself bleed. Why don’t you take a look? Why don’t you look at my dick?”

The boys declined.

Kevin had done most of the talking, with Pete sometimes interjecting, “Yeah, that’s right; yeah, it was cool.” Pete seemed to be taking it okay, nothing bothering him. “It was great,” he’d said, whereas “It was all right” was the most Derek offered. Chris thought Derek was feeling better already, a read not shared by Burnett: Only Derek seems to have any remorse, he thought. He saw Derek was smoking. That must be nerves. It’s hard for Derek. He looks in bad, bad shape. He isn’t taking things real well. Himself, Burnett felt overwhelmed. Didn’t know how to take it. “Why did you guys do that?” he said.

“He knew too much,” Chris said.

“It’s just another person,” Kevin said. “Pretty soon they’ll all be wiped out.”

“Keep your mouth shut,” the boys told Burnett.


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