Our New Song: A sweet bad boy rockstar romance (For Love and Rock Book 4) by Emily Childs

Our New Song: A sweet bad boy rockstar romance (For Love and Rock Book 4) by Emily Childs

Author:Emily Childs [Childs, Emily]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Victorious
Published: 2022-03-07T05:00:00+00:00



The morning of the wedding starts with a tight chest, and a scratch I can’t cough away until I step inside a steamy shower.

Vienna is tucked into one of the massive rooms in the cottage Justine rented. It’s huge, within sights of the Santa Monica Pier, and twenty feet from the beach. Not exactly what I picture when I think cottage. We won’t even need to see everyone if we don’t want.

Our room has a pullout bed with a mattress more comfortable than mine at home, but I stepped out, afraid to wake her with all my stupid wheezing.

Honestly, her messy hair over her sleeping face, the way she hugged three huge pillows in her sleep, was a little too much, a little too perfect, and made me consider things I have no business considering with a friend.

Outside on the back patio I close my eyes, and get lost in the clean air, the humidity.

Peace lasts a total of ten seconds before the screen door slides open.

“Doing okay?” Noah materializes beside me and hands me a mug of coffee.


“Heard you this morning.”

“I’m good.” He’s such a pansy and turns into a mother hen the second he hears a cough.

“I can go grab your bag if you—”

“Noah,” I say with a laugh. “I’m good. Vienna’s sleeping anyway.”

He pinches his lips in clear disagreement, but again—we’re Haydens. Don’t press. Don’t dig too deep.

“Ready for today?” I ask, desperate to change the subject.

He shrugs. “Don’t have much of a choice. You didn’t give a toast last night.”

I chuckle with a touch of bitterness. “I wasn’t asked to give one.”

The way people avoided us last night at dinner, it was as if we were the problem children tucked away in the corner.

And it was the best family dinner I’ve been to in a long time.

Gram sat by Vienna and me, we laughed, ignoring everyone as they chatted about the sweet love story of Adrienne and Mark.

Most of it was probably true, except how they met. Adrienne’s dad certainly didn’t hint in his toast that it was the gloomy tattooed guy in the corner who brought Adrienne into the Hayden family first.

No, they spun it like they connected at college. And my, what a coincidence, they went to high school together, but hardly knew each other.

I thought this wedding would bring up old resentment, but I think Vienna has a unique talent. She has a way of making you feel like you are the only person in the room.

Part of me forgot we were here at a wedding the way we laughed. It was more like one of the Perfectly Broken family dinners except Alexis hadn’t banished me to the kids’ table.

Movement inside the cottage brings us back to reality. Noah grips my shoulder. “Well, we better get ready and get this over with.”

I chuckle. He’s the golden boy, but he’s on my side first and foremost. The games Adrienne played years ago still don’t sit quite right. Not even with Noah.


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