Legends by John W Otte

Legends by John W Otte

Author:John W Otte [Otte, John W]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction, YA
ISBN: 9781935929949
Publisher: Enclave Publishing
Published: 2019-02-22T05:00:00+00:00



FOR A MOMENT, my mind refused to understand what Dr. Olympus had said. Sarge? Yeah, I had heard of him. Who hadn’t? He was the greatest hero the early twentieth century had known. I’d even seen a picture of him at the VOC headquarters. Sarge had risen to fame during World War I, had gained even more prominence during the Temperance War of the ʼ20s, and then had given his life to stop a Nazi supervillain in the early days of World War II. His career had been the inspiration for dozens of heroes, and the modern VOC was patterned after suggestions he had made. If my licensed colleagues were living legends, then Sarge was a titan, a god of sorts.

This had to be a joke. Sarge had died decades earlier. There was no way that this guy could possibly be…

But the newcomer didn’t deny it. Instead, a tight smile tugged at his lips. His hand snapped to his forehead in a salute. “Good to see that there are so many of you fighting the good fight. What’s the situation?”

I should have answered his question, but my words gummed up my throat. Instead, Raze stepped forward, his hands tucked at the small of his back. He looked like a soldier. “The perimeter is secure, sir. We were able to pulverize most of the zombies. You must have dealt with their source, right, sir?” Raze’s face shone with expectation, like a little kid on Christmas morning.

Sarge—if that’s really who this was—laughed easily. “No, soldier, I’m afraid I can’t claim responsibility. Instead it was this man who took out the apparatus down in that cellar.” He clapped me on the shoulder and gave me a tight squeeze.

Raze’s open surprise was simply delicious. So were the admiring looks that the other heroes gave me. But guilt quickly chased away any sense of satisfaction or accomplishment. I hadn’t done anything.

I turned toward Kyn. “Uh, actually, it was—”

“But even though the fight may be over,” Sarge said, “there’s still a lot of work to be done.” He pointed at some nearby buildings that had been trashed by the zombies. “I want a team to go through there and check for survivors. I can see a few—are those cars?—well, whatever they are, they’re on fire, and they shouldn’t be. Two more of you, find ways to get those blazes under control.”

“Why should we take any orders from you?”

Every eye turned toward me. I froze, ice shooting through my veins. Had I actually said that out loud? Raze glared at me, looking about ready to rip my head off and stuff it down my neck. The other heroes didn’t look much happier.

“I mean…uh…no offense, sir, but while you look like Sarge, we can’t be sure that you are. You’ve been—inactive?—for over seventy years now. Even if you are who you say you are, don’t you think you should get caught up with the rest of the world first?”

Now Raze really looked ready to murder me. He took a step toward me, “Failstate, you and me are gonna have a long talk.


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