Harboring Shantae (Bravo Team Book 6) by Elizabella Baker

Harboring Shantae (Bravo Team Book 6) by Elizabella Baker

Author:Elizabella Baker [Baker, Elizabella]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2023-06-07T16:00:00+00:00

Grocery shopping with Camron was interesting. He was a health freak. It wasn't like she didn't already know that about him; one look at his well-toned body and it was obvious. What she didn't realize was just how different their tastes actually were. For every healthy item he added to the cart, she added two junk food items, as he liked to call them.

It wasn't said maliciously. In fact, Camron went out of his way to make sure she was getting what she wanted, but there was no hiding how large his eyes got every time she tossed something sweet or sugary next to his fruit or protein.

"So, don't take this the wrong way ..." Not the best way for him to start a sentence, but she would let it slide. "But do you plan to eat cereal or cookies for dinner? Because I haven't seen you pick up a single dinner food item."

A giggle burst free at the seriousness of both his tone and on his face. He genuinely looked concerned for her well-being.

"I'm pretty sure you have enough chicken, turkey, and beef for the both of us. Besides, I'm not picky. I can cook just about anything with the ingredients you’ve already picked out."

"You planning on stealing my food?"

The way his hidden dimple popped out on his one cheek had her instantly wet. There was something to be said about a man with dimples. Especially one that was so well hidden by his normal expression that she was sure most people didn't even know it existed.

"You planning on marking your food with a particular-colored sticky note so I know which is off-limits?"

"Maybe." Now it was a full-blown smile and wow did it do funny things to her girly parts.

Down, girl. Getting hot and bothered in a grocery store full of people was the very definition of inappropriate.

"Then yes, I fully plan on stealing your food. Not only do I plan on stealing it, but I can assure you that I'm going to do a little jig in front of you as I enjoy every bite."

Camron slid up next to her with a hungry look in his eyes. It was the first time he had shown any interest in her other than to be her friend.

"Is that so? You planning on moaning when you eat my food?"

The audible gulp that slipped from her mouth could probably be heard all the way across the store. She wasn't sure how the situation went from carefree to the sexual tension that could be cut with a knife so quickly. But that one look said it all. He wasn't just talking about her eating food.

Gah! Now all she could imagine was the perfect body that she knew was under his clothes, thanks to the protein shake that drenched his shirt that morning and showed off every defined muscle.

"Maybe ..."

There was no maybe about it. She most likely would. Especially if it meant he spoke to her in that sexy voice while she ate.

They needed to get out of this store.


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