Harbor View Cottage by Barbara Cool Lee

Harbor View Cottage by Barbara Cool Lee

Author:Barbara Cool Lee [Lee, Barbara Cool]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Pajaro Bay Publishing


The market was just next door. She went in, and wandered to the aisle with the pet supplies.

Santos' Market was like a little bodega, with a little of everything, and not a lot of variety of anything.

She saw there was one kind of cat food, a massive bulk bag of some generic brand. And one kind of dog food, very similar. There was hardly anything else pet-related, except some basic cat litter, and a single type of bird seed.

She stood there frowning. She couldn't possibly carry either the twenty pounds of cat food, or the forty pounds of cat litter. Maybe Hector wasn't wrong about the car.

She wandered around a bit more, seeing the bakery section, with the same doughnuts Hector had brought to the meeting, and the deli section, where there were tamales and seafood salads and other pre-made dinners ready. She chose a sandwich from the selection, made with cheese from a local organic dairy and fresh sprouts from a local farm, on a crusty sourdough bread baked in-house that morning. At least that's what the wrapper claimed. The Local Flavor of Pajaro Bay, the label said.

At the checkout counter she spotted a beautiful little rose gold picture frame among the keychains and postcards and other tourist memorabilia. It would add a soft elegance to her pink bookshelves.

"I'll take this, too," she said, adding the frame.

After buying the items, she left the market. She realized she'd managed to buy two things she didn't really need, but not the pet supplies she'd come for.

Maybe she would just take the pet stuff from the laundry room. Mike would know where the extra food and litter was, and surely no one would mind her taking it for the cat.

She walked along the sidewalk for a bit. There were a lot of the tiny little cottages that were unique to Pajaro Bay. Each one was one-of-a-kind, and also kind of strange and silly. There was one called The Owl that held the village library. It was the color of a gray owl, and had a sign with a carved owl peering over the top, in keeping with its theme. The librarian she'd met earlier could be seen through the big picture window, and the woman gave her a friendly wave. She waved back.

Some of the other cottages lining the main street appeared to still be private homes. One with a forest green tiled roof, and a little round turret like a miniature version of the one at the community center, had a wooden sign crookedly mounted on a stake in the bed of hydrangeas by the sidewalk: Pictures are OK, Trespassing Not So Much.

She kept walking. At the next corner she came to a cottage that had been turned into a shop, with a big plate glass window display in front.

She laughed out loud at the display. There were Easter bunnies and eggs, and little baskets filled with treats, all on a bed of shredded green basket filler that sparkled in the morning sun.


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