(eng) P. T. Hylton & Jonathan Benecke - Vampire World 02 by The Savage Night

(eng) P. T. Hylton & Jonathan Benecke - Vampire World 02 by The Savage Night

Author:The Savage Night [Night, The Savage]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


Alex drew in a deep breath and stepped through the dim doorway. It took her about three seconds to realize she was wildly underdressed.

She’d come straight from the debriefing room, and she wore an old flak jacket over a ratty T-shirt and pants that hadn’t seen a washing machine in a week. And the people around her…the only times she’d seen people dressed this nicely were weddings and city council meetings.

But what could she do about it now? She was committed.

She spotted a man waving to her from a table across the room, and it took her a moment to recognize him. When she did, she had to stifle a laugh. The sharply dressed man with slicked-back hair didn’t looked much like her old GMT friend. No wonder he’d left the debriefing early.

She walked to the table and sat down across from him.

“Welcome,” Firefly said. “You ever been here?”

“I’ve never even heard of this place. I don’t make it to the Hub often. Except for meetings.” She took another look around, hoping she didn’t look as uncomfortable as she felt. “Is this really necessary? We could have met at Tankards.”

Firefly raised an eyebrow at the mention of their old favorite dive bar. “Why would we do that? Alex, you deserve to reward yourself. We both do. That was quite the haul we brought back today.”

“Maybe your idea of reward is different than mine. Besides, we didn’t even run into any hostiles.”

“Yeah, but we got results. That’s what matters. You should try the wine. The waiter said it’s from one of their best barrels. It’s been aging longer than we’ve been alive.”

Alex took a long drink to humor him, hoping it would make her feel less out of place. She needed to focus. She needed to talk to Firefly, and this was the prime opportunity to do so. “I can’t believe all those weapons. It’s tough to imagine anyone would ever need that many.”

“Yeah, I hear you. A few months ago, I would have said the same thing. But we sure as hell need them now. Nights are going to get cold on the surface, and I’ll feel a lot better if every one of my people has a warm rifle in their hands.”

She resisted the urge to launch into a diatribe against Resettlement right then. She had to be smarter than that. She needed to play this like Fleming would.

“Anyway,” he continued, “all I’m saying is you’re kind of an important person in New Haven now. Enjoy it. God knows you’ve earned it.”

“Is that what you’re doing? Enjoying it?”

The skin tightened around his eyes as he frowned. “What I’m doing is working my ass off. In my few hours of free time, yeah, I’m trying to enjoy a few of the perks. Is there something wrong with that?”

“Of course not, Garrett.” She almost tripped over the name as it fell heavily past her lips, but she needed to be nice. “Listen, there’s something I need to talk to you about. Something that could change the plans for Resettlement.


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