DIRTY, LAZY, KETO (Revised and Expanded) by Stephanie Laska

DIRTY, LAZY, KETO (Revised and Expanded) by Stephanie Laska

Author:Stephanie Laska
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group

What to Expect—Detoxing and Sugar Withdrawal

When you stop mainlining carbohydrates, the sugar train comes to a crashing halt. Expect a transition period as your body adjusts. If you were like me and enjoyed hundreds, if not a thousand, carbs per day, your body was used to that “feel-good” glucose pumping nonstop. When you go “cold turkey” and switch from glucose to fat for fuel, your body will likely retaliate. At first, expect it to put up a fight. This backlash—feeling achy, tired, and cranky—happens because you are physically “detoxing.” Give your body a chance to breathe. Learn to trust your new fuel source—fat. You might even want to “give yourself a break” from working out (if that’s something you do) while your body adjusts. Everyone reacts differently. Most people bounce back within a few days.

Claiming they have contacted the “keto flu” is the number-one reason people quit the keto diet.


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