Defying Fate by Henry Brown

Defying Fate by Henry Brown

Author:Henry Brown
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: manhood, masculinity, socio-sexual hierarchy, football, leadership, group dynamics, red pill, based, anti-woke, hypergamy, game, pickup artistry, alternate history, alternate reality, MMA, martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, coming of age, tradwife, traditional gender roles
Publisher: Virtual Pulp Press
Published: 2024-02-10T00:00:00+00:00

ALTHOUGH MY WORK ON miniaturizing a warp generator had been fruitless so far, I did build another regular-sized one at Valhalla Station, and mounted it in my surplus Curtiss P-40.

My harebrained scheme was to take the old prop fighter back to some point where and when I could engage in an actual dogfight. Having no experience or training with aerial combat, I planned my excursion the way a fight manager would arrange the first few bouts for a young, inexperienced boxer: I would choose a conflict that would match me against an inferior aircraft, and hopefully a pilot who wasn't too crackerjack.

I considered jumping to the Spanish Civil War, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, or any number of Central American conflicts.

I finally settled on the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, where Fascist pilots would be expecting no opposition whatsoever in the air. I should have the element of surprise on my side. If I took a hit and it looked like I wouldn't make it, I reasoned, I could warp out of danger.

I made the jump, but immediately realized something had gone wrong when I looked at the landscape below. It wasn't Ethiopia. And since the place wasn't right, it probably wasn't 1935, either.

I fiddled with the warp interface on the screen retrofitted into the Curtiss Hawk cockpit in an attempt to determine what had glitched, when something in my peripheral vision grabbed my attention.

An aerial drone at ten o'clock low launched into an accelerating climb to intercept me.

I didn't know where I was; when I was; who the drone belonged to; or what it might be armed with; but the aggressive maneuver convinced me it was closing for an attack of some kind.

Despite my lack of experience in combat, I fancied myself a pretty good pilot. I had also spent considerable hours on flight simulators and videogames that sharpened my reflexes. I immediately dove to meet the drone.

Whoever or whatever piloted the drone must have feared a collision and banked hard to avoid it.

The guns had been removed prior to the Warhawk being sold at auction; but I had replaced them, and all were loaded with full belts. I squeezed off a burst just before the drone passed my nose. As it passed by right in front of me, I saw how huge the drone was—not as big as my aircraft, but much bigger than anything a civilian could likely buy. I recognized the distinct "People's Republic of China" flag emblem on the fuselage. I thought I saw sparks, too, and hoped they meant I scored a hit.

I throttled back the engines, dropped the flaps, pulled back on the stick and brought the Warhawk into a stall. Then I tipped into a wingover and made the engine roar as I trimmed up and dove in pursuit.

The drone led me on a frantic chase, banking left, right, barrel-rolling, and swooping down so low as to almost bounce off the ground, or the trees that dotted the countryside.

I fired a couple more bursts, missing badly.


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