Death of England by Roy Williams & Clint Dyer

Death of England by Roy Williams & Clint Dyer

Author:Roy Williams & Clint Dyer
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Published: 1989-02-15T00:00:00+00:00

Part Four

A Park Bench

Michael, still in his black suit, sits alone on a park bench.

Michael I say one thing for Delroy, he can hit, I mean fucking hell! It was all of that boxing he did when we were kids. The Repton club, every Tuesday night, for a year. Delroy could have turned professional, if he hadn’t have fucked up that last fight of his. Under 16, ABA. The first two rounds he had in the bag, Delroy’s uppercut is a thing of beauty. He was laying one after the other on this guy. Fucking class! He had him, he really had him. And he would have kept him, kept him right in that corner, right where he had him, woulda have been him wearing that belt, if only he kept himself on the job. He took a step back, one step too many, gave the kid plenty of room to get himself back into the fight. It was jab, jab and jab, uppercut! He fucking floored him. Delroy was down. No way was he getting back up. He couldn’t believe it, we couldn’t believe it. The whole lot of us was there, Dad, Mum, Carly, of course. Dad borrowed a mate’s van and everything. We crossed the fucking river for that fight. And for what? See what? Delroy’s busted-up face lying on the canvas, covered in blood and sweat. What a let-down that night was. The only one of us who could be bothered to look at him was Carly. Her eyes were all over him. Like the state he was in, was a real turn on for her. I mean, really? Delroy was stacked, he looked after himself, but all of that shiny sweat on his ripped black skin was a real turn on for her? I mean, sweat smells . . . it really stinks and that, and ‘that’ got my little sister to pull a face, like she was ‘going live’? Whatever flicks her switch I suppose. Whilst Delroy was going at it on my face earlier, I could see Carly from the corner of my eye, glaring over, nothing was coming out of her mouth, no, ‘Delroy stop, he’s still my brother, don’t hurt him.’ If I didn’t know better, I’d say she was grinning, like she wanted Delroy to hammer the granny out of me. I mean, thanks sis, I know we are not close and that, but you know, blood is still blood. It’s my face he is caving in. Ah, what the fuck was I complaining about, I deserved every punch for what I did. I managed to get one slap in though. It landed right on the side of Delroy’s nose, it knocked him back a little, but more importantly, it gave me time to pull away and get the fuck out of dodge! I could hear Mum screaming, ‘you’re a disgrace, your father would be ashamed.’ Now let me tell you, if I had known then what I know now. About Dad, our wonderful old man, my little rant would have been .


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