Dark Peril (Department Z Book 21) by John Creasey

Dark Peril (Department Z Book 21) by John Creasey

Author:John Creasey [Creasey, John]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Ipso Books
Published: 2017-02-17T06:00:00+00:00


“Quite a Journey”

“Well, well,” said Loftus, grinning broadly, “I call that quite a journey!”

Blackened and dishevelled, with his clothes singed and torn, he sat back in an easy-chair at his flat and regarded his wife. She had been so taken aback by his appearance that she forgot to protest at his sitting down without putting a cover on the chair.

Mike and Hammond were in the front room of the flat with them, and Mandino was in the bedroom. He had not spoken from the moment he had been put into a car near the burned houses. At the back and front of the flat armed police were on guard, for it was a time to take every possible precaution. Miller had gladly co-operated.

“And you look quite a mess,” said Christine, but there was relief in her fine eyes.

“How’s Pamela?” asked Loftus. “I mean, how has she been?”

“Sleeping, most of the time,” said Christine, “but she’s probably awake now–shall I call her?”

“I’ll go,” said Loftus.

He hoisted himself to his feet and went across to the spare room, opening the door quietly. Pamela was still in bed and asleep. One arm, covered in a sleeve of Christine’s pyjamas, was over the bed-spread. Her lips were closed, and for the first time he saw how really lovely she was. He watched her even breathing for a few seconds, and then closed the door.

He believed that Mandino would recover more quickly if he were left on his own, and they had lunch before he washed the worst of the dirt and smuts off his face and went into the bedroom. He doubted whether Mandino had realised the dangers of the journey; now, as the pale, smoke-grimed face turned towards him, he thought that he had never seen such sadness in a man’s eyes.

“This is Loftus,” he said.

“I thought so,” said Mandino.

“How are you feeling?”

“I hardly know,” said Mandino, “I hardly know. Everything gone–everything. Even my books.” He drew in his breath, and then frowned. A curious transformation came over him as he stared towards Loftus, and when he spoke again it was in a sharper voice. “Loftus! What did you say about my daughter? What did you say?”

Loftus said: “She is quite safe, and in this flat.”

“Here?” said Mandino incredulously. “You–you meant what you said? Pamela is–here!”

“She’s sleeping,” Loftus said, “but she’ll be in with you before long. Both of you are quite safe now, you know. Brenn will be able to do you no harm.”

There was a feeling of anti-climax later in the afternoon.

The reunion of Pamela and her father, skilfully managed by Christine and observed by no one at the flat, was the high-light. Loftus could not get in touch with Hershall, although he went to see Craigie and passed on all the information. He telephoned the Chiswick Fire Station, to be told that the fires were under control, but that so far there had been no trace of human remains in Tynham Place. It would be some hours before a final report could be made, however; the fate of Polly, the maid-and-general factotum, remained obscure.


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