Blind the Eyes by K.A. Wiggins

Blind the Eyes by K.A. Wiggins

Author:K.A. Wiggins
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 978-1-7751627-1-1
Publisher: Indie Author Project
Published: 2018-06-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 28: Maryam

RAVEL REALLY LIKES touching. This is increasingly clear the longer I spend with him. It’s a problem for a few reasons. First, he never seems to get enough of it. Second, it’s uncomfortable and terribly distracting. I know it’s not considered disobedience in Freedom—quite the opposite, in fact—but it’s one of the harder rules to adjust to here. Third, it gets in the way of me communicating effectively with him, and that, after all, is the point right now.

“I, um, I wanted to . . .” I shrink back. He tightens his grip, so I’m worse off than when I started. “I wanted to talk. Um, can you, can you not . . . ? Just, can we just talk, you know?”

I’ve lost all my Victoirishness in a bundle of signature Cole awkwardness, and I’m too busy squirming to get enough of the right words out. I don’t see any way out of this. I need Ravel’s help, and he seems to need me half in his lap. He’s never pushed it before like this. Cadence is nattering away indignantly, which isn’t helping, either.

“Just, I need . . .” I wedge my elbow down between us and lever myself away a little.

Ravel tents his eyebrows at me in a melting sort of way. I try again.

“So I had—Cadence sent more visions.” I scoot toward the edge of the couch-bed while I have the chance. “And I know you wanted to know if that happened again, and actually it gave me some ideas about the rebellion, and—”

He pulls me back, unfazed. “Oh, flame, there’s all the time in the world for talk. It’s not important.”

“I—I really think it is.” I push away, though he seems to take my hand on his chest as an invitation. I try to repeat the elbow trick, end up overbalancing, and land in a heap on the floor. He laughs.

I talk fast, outlining the visions of Fuchsia and Mannfor. I don’t like telling him about Ash, but he prods when I get vague about how the visions end. I end up spilling all of it, even how Cadence won’t let me speak to Ash.

Ravel’s quiet for several long minutes.

“I don’t see how it could be any clearer, flame,” he says at last. “That ghost of yours is bad news, and it’s only getting worse. I’ve got to take care of something later, but I’ll stay with you as much as I can, okay? I’m sure I can keep you distracted enough she won’t be able to get in.”

I bite my lip, not sure whether to be relieved or worried about this development. If he really can keep the visions away . . . But I’m afraid to ask just how he thinks he can do that, and it wasn’t why I wanted to talk to him in the first place.

“Actually, I was thinking not so much about what I’m experiencing, but, you know, like, with the Exchange, if we could bring more people in, then it wouldn’t be so bad after all?”

He slips to the floor in a tumble of cushions.


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