Beneath a Star-Lit Sky by JL Crosswhite

Beneath a Star-Lit Sky by JL Crosswhite

Author:JL Crosswhite [Crosswhite, JL]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781954986039
Publisher: Tandem Services Press

Ella picked her way through the rocks, careful not to slip on pine needles or a pine cone, but not really thinking about where she was going other than away. Why had she pulled back when he clearly wanted to kiss her? It scared her. Her emotions, the desire she saw in Reese’s eyes. Her heart was already running away. He was going to leave. The kiss that she knew would be wonderful would just break her heart more thoroughly.

She stopped. She’d better get her bearings. The last thing she needed was to get lost by wandering blindly through the woods. Scanning the area, she made note of where she’d come from while she found a good spot for some privacy. That made her laugh. All she had around her was privacy.

She took care of her personal needs and then leaned against a ponderosa pine, savoring its vanilla-butterscotch smell while she got her bearings. She had to go back to camp after what had just happened. The last thing she wanted was for things to be awkward between her and Reese. She shouldn’t have panicked. Too many feelings had coursed through her, and she did not think quickly on her feet.

As a freshman, she’d spent an embarrassing number of hours thinking about that exact scenario. But now? Well, she’d be lying to herself if she hadn’t thought of it once or twice since he’d returned. Especially yesterday when he’d been so attentive to her.

So why had she run off like a scared rabbit?

Because she wasn’t one of those girls who went around kissing guys when it didn’t mean anything. When she kissed someone—the last person had been Lucas, which gave her a shudder—it meant something.

Reese probably kissed women all the time. With his devastating good looks—the dark, brooding type—he’d have no problem getting any woman he wanted. Why would he want her? She hadn’t rescued him. She hardly thought her help on his paper twelve years ago counted. Though it was sweet he thought she’d made such a difference to him.

She went on this trip to prove to herself she wasn’t afraid of adventure, that she could move out of her comfort zone. Look at what all she’d been through. What if a relationship with Reese wasn’t out of the question? What if she should take a risk? He wasn’t planning on sticking around. But San Diego wasn’t the end of the earth. It was even in the same state.

Amanda had told her to be open to the possibilities. Reese was a possibility.

She had better get back before Reese worried and came looking for her. Heading back that way, she heard a rustling in the bushes, something larger than a squirrel. She paused, listening.

There it was again, much bigger than a squirrel. She edged back toward camp but kept her eyes on the area where the noise had come from. Had their pursuers found them? Adrenaline shot through her veins, and she resisted the urge to run and draw attention to herself.


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