All The Dead Girls (Patterson Blake FBI Mystery Thriller Series Book 3) by A.M. Strong & Sonya Sargent

All The Dead Girls (Patterson Blake FBI Mystery Thriller Series Book 3) by A.M. Strong & Sonya Sargent

Author:A.M. Strong & Sonya Sargent [Strong, A.M.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: West Street Publishing
Published: 2022-09-19T16:00:00+00:00


The rest of the afternoon passed in an uneasy silence broken only by the conversation necessary to do their jobs. Patterson wanted to shake him by the lapels. She couldn’t understand what the big deal was. Something was clearly going on with Bauer, and it would be better for both of them if he just told her what it was. But her partner didn’t share Patterson’s pragmatic outlook on the matter and kept his demeanor courteous but frosty.

At five-thirty, Patterson stretched and stood up, intending to head back to the hotel for the evening. She grabbed her jacket from the back of the seat and was about to slip it on when her phone rang.

It was Detective Voss.

“You aren’t going to believe this,” the detective said. “But we have Duane Snyder in a holding cell.”

“What happened?” Patterson asked, switching the phone to speaker. “Did you find evidence to support Darlene’s accusation?”

“Not yet. But that cruiser we sat at the end of the trail near his cabin paid off. I decided to use an unmarked vehicle because it would be less obvious. The last thing we want is an accusation of harassment. It hadn’t been there more than a couple of hours when Snyder took off in his van. The officer followed him from a distance and guess where Snyder went?”

“Darlene Rourke’s apartment?” Said Bauer.

“Very good, Special Agent Bauer.” Voss sounded impressed. “Give yourself a pat on the back.”

“Nothing to it,” Bauer told her. “Just putting myself in his place. If I’d just been accused of rape, and the woman who accused me made a call to my wife and got me kicked out of my own home, that’s where I would go. I’d be mad as hell, even if I really were a scumbag rapist.”

“He was mad, all right,” Voss agreed. “Practically kicked in the door when she wouldn’t answer. Stormed inside and confronted her. If we hadn’t tasked an officer with trailing him, who knows what Snyder would have done.”

“Was Darlene hurt?” Asked Patterson.

“A little shaken up maybe, but other than that, she’s fine.”

“And she’s sticking to her story that Duane raped her?”

“She’s more adamant than ever.”

“Can you hold on to him until we get there?” All thought of returning to the hotel had evaporated from Patterson’s mind. What she now saw was an opportunity to pressure Snyder into slipping up. And not just about Darlene’s rape accusation but also about the three dead girls and the one who was still missing. “This might be our best chance to get some straight answers out of the man.”

“Don’t worry, Special Agent Blake. He’s not going anywhere, anytime soon,” Detective Voss said on the other end of the line. “You get yourselves down here, and we’ll provide a nice comfy interview room for y’all to have a chat.”

“Thank you,” Patterson said.

“No thanks necessary. There’s something about Snyder that rubs me all wrong.”

“Me too,” admitted Patterson. “See you in a couple of hours?”

“I’ll be here with a pot of hot coffee,” Detective Voss said before hanging up.


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