A Puppy's Tail by VC Dog Training

A Puppy's Tail by VC Dog Training

Author:VC Dog Training
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Puppy training, dogs, puppies, training, house training, understanding, obedience, collar, exercise, behaviour, behavior, new dog, barking, pet, anger, tricks
ISBN: 9781785385674
Publisher: Andrews UK Limited 2016
Published: 2016-09-21T00:00:00+00:00

Basic Puppy Training

Why should we train our puppies? Well if we don’t, we will end up with adult dogs that are out of control, maybe aggressive, and certainly a nuisance to all. We owe it to our puppies to make an effort to train them, and really the earlier we start the more successful our training will be. Although the old saying “ YOU CAN’T TRAIN AN OLD DOG TO DO NEW TRICKS ” doesn’t quite ring true, because any dog can learn regardless of age, it’s just easier when they are younger.

So what is basic training? Well, we usually refer to basic training as teaching our puppies six words to six actions. Our dogs do not understand our language no matter how much we would love them to, but our dogs do understand words to an action. If we teach our puppy the word sit, the action that goes with that is placing our puppy’s backside on the ground. As our puppy grows into maturity we can teach him many words, but these words are always accompanied by an action. For the purpose of this book, and the fact that our puppies have a short attention span, we are only teaching basic training, which are six words to six actions.

We refer to our training as the P.A.W.S. method of training, and that is PERSISTENCE, ACTION, WORDS, and SENSITIVITY.

Persistence means staying with the same method of training. If you keep changing the way you train your puppy, you will confuse him and your training will not be successful. Action is what you want your dog to do, such as sit or down. Words are what you are going to use for a particular action, such as “Fido, sit”. Training must always be done with sensitivity. Our puppies will respond if we are sensitive to their needs. We want to build a bond with our puppies, and we also want them to enjoy their training, and for this reason we don’t encourage check chains, or shock collars. We use a mix of play and tasty treats when training and our corrections are usually in the form of our voice.

We are not saying that our training is the only way to train, it’s not. We find our method is successful for us, and we feel that if you start training the day you bring your puppy home, you will find that your puppy will learn fast. When our puppies are six to sixteen weeks old their brains are like sponges. They take everything in, including unwanted behaviours. We find it is the best time to train basic training and good behaviour.

The next chapters are dedicated to basic training. We have kept everything simple and if you follow our methods and practice a little every day, your puppy will soon be responding to your words. A word of caution though, before you start training. Every puppy is different, just like humans some will learn quicker than others. You have to be patient if yours is a little slow.


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