A Little's Unicorn by Rose Ellie

A Little's Unicorn by Rose Ellie

Author:Rose, Ellie
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: CLAficionado Press Ltd
Published: 2022-11-22T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Six

Oh. So they were asking the important questions now. Lillie paused to think. What did she want?

She’d had a lot of time to think about it since her breakup, almost putting her Little away for a year. It was only with the job at Stuffie Hospital that she really let herself indulge in the smallest of Little moments: watching cartoons on occasion; carrying a stuffie client round with her at work; drinking chocolate milk—because no matter what happened, she didn’t think she’d ever be able to give up choccie milk.

“I think,” she said slowly, “that I’m clearer about what I don’t want, and about what my limits are.”

“That’s really good,” said Aiden, “Knowing your limits is vital in any dynamic. And it’s particularly important for a Little, as you’re so vulnerable.” The kindness in his voice made her look up. “Do you feel comfortable sharing those limits with me sweetheart?”

Lillie took a deep breath. “Yes, I think it’s important for me to do so. I haven’t always been very good at communicating my needs, and it’s one of the things that I can’t budge on going forward.”

She had some more of her soup, collecting her thoughts, before explaining. This was important, so she didn’t want to get it wrong. She liked Aiden too much for that.

“I’m a non-sexual Little; that’s my first boundary. When I’m Little, I want to watch cartoons and eat kids’ food and have all of the cosy cuddles, but nothing more than that. It’s Big me that likes the grown-up things.” She blushed a bit at that. “And I like lots of the grown-up things. Just not in that space.”

Aiden nodded seriously. “That’s what I want from a dynamic too.”

Okay. So that bit went down well. “I also need to be myself. That means that I need to be able to stim, and sometimes I need to be able to retreat without getting punished for it. It’s not that I’m refusing to communicate, just that sometimes I get so overwhelmed that I can’t.”

Looking up, she realised that he’d taken out a notebook, and was jotting down some notes. “What are you doing?”

“Oh, don’t worry sweetheart, I’m just making some notes so I don’t forget anything. But your name isn’t mentioned at all. It’s just that this seems like it’s very important to you, so it’s important to me.”

“Okay.” That made her feel…safe. Her pulse, which had rocketed when she’d noticed the notebook, settled back down and her fingers went back to drumming happily on her knee. Happy stimming. Safe stimming. “And rules are nice, and good, but I need to negotiate them. I really dislike it when someone gives me a rule ‘just because’.”

He paused his writing for a moment. “What happens if I were to suggest a rule that you didn’t like.”

Lillie thought about it for a moment. “I think it would depend on what it was, and why you were suggesting it. I might suggest a trial, with the option to safe out? Because if you were my Daddy Dom—” Her voice cut out suddenly.


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