The Timeless Legion by J.C. Rycroft

The Timeless Legion by J.C. Rycroft

Author:J.C. Rycroft [Rycroft, J.C.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00

Time folds like a fan and unfolds once more, and Squid and I slide together into a black dragon called Defentamine. The all-consuming fury within it sets my teeth on edge.

What’s going on? They’re not going to be killing humans, are they?

I don’t know. I figured we should follow the name Sergamelion. This was the latest moment I could find—closest to us in time.

You mean this is Sergamelion’s death?

There’s a momentary silence, then Squid says, I guess I do. I hadn’t quite thought…

And then we’re both distracted by what’s going on before us.

An entire sea of dragons seethes through the sky, like undulating, boiling rainbows. It’s so strange to see so many of them all together like this. I’m used to Squid being the only dragon, and the many of them…

We’re called a thunder when we’re together, Squid says, tone somewhere between longing and scholarly.

And somehow, I know they’re all as incandescently angry as Defentamine. I can feel it; or Defentamine can.

One roars, others join it, and the sound is deafening. I recoil, but of course, there’s nowhere to recoil to. I’m tucked away inside Defentamine, somehow. They’re speeding downward now, wings tucked tight, plunging toward the ground. Nausea fills me.

The air moving past us is a gale, howling.

Do not use the blue flame! It cannot escape, not this time. It’s not a voice I’ve heard before, and it’s disorienting that I know it’s the scarlet dragon at the head of the group.

Not this time, echoes a veritable symphony of voices.

They can all hear each other, Squid says, in wonder. They can hear each other’s thoughts. How can that… It falls quiet. I thought it was only the blood bonded… A sudden sense of longing and loss cascades through Squid, and so through me.

I’m sorry, I whisper, and inadequacy nips at my heels.

We watch the ground approach, racing up toward us in a way that is entirely disorienting, then Defentamine draws out its wings, catching them full of wind and pivoting to land gracefully on its rear legs, front claws settling gently into the dirt.

There it is! A butter-yellow dragon stretches its wings wide, bellowing red-orange flames toward their prey.

The dragon it indicates is indigo, glossy and gleaming in the sunshine. It is enormous, wings outstretched longer than the length of the biggest ship I’ve ever seen, and beautiful—gods, it’s so beautiful. The spikes that adorn its back glimmer like nearly black diamond, scattering light. Its sinuous neck weaves back and forth as it takes in the hundreds of dragons landing around it. It bellows ferociously as it rears back, and claws like curved blades of blue-black glass rake the air.


You cannot stop me! We know the truth, I and those who follow me. We know the Everlands promises everything. Freedom! Freedom such as we have never known. Freedom from the chains of time, from the bonds of blood, from death. Freedom to be dragons as we were always meant to be. Forever. True freedom.

It ends here, Sergamelion. You cannot


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