The Showdown by Jessica Burkhart

The Showdown by Jessica Burkhart

Author:Jessica Burkhart
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Aladdin
Published: 2023-07-25T00:00:00+00:00

Fall-ing for You

FRIDAY EVENING GOT HERE BEFORE I knew it, and I was running purely on panic. No caffeine necessary. In the spirit of trying to help me stay calm, Vivi had lit a lavender candle on her bedside table. So far, it wasn’t doing much for my nerves, and I wasn’t sold on the scent.

“It’s cool enough today that I can wear flannel!” I told Vivi. “Is that dressy enough?”

“Totally. It’s a harvest dance! Wear it open, with a T-shirt underneath and with dark-wash jeans.” She said this all as if she needed zero time to think about it.

“And boots?” I asked.

“And boots,” she confirmed.

I had a bunch of flannel shirts in my closet, but I knew the one I wanted: the purple-and-white one. Last night, I’d even painted my nails purple. Overboard? Probably.

I got dressed and looked over at Vivi. She’d paired a cozy burnt-orange sweater with jeans. “You look so cute!”

“Thanks!” she said, smiling at me. “It feels very fall to me without going full-on pumpkin territory.”

“Save that for the Halloween bash.”


“Are you as nervous about seeing Asher as I am about seeing Mila?” I asked.

Vivi stared in the mirror, concentrating on making her space buns even. “I don’t think it’s possible to be as nervous as you, but I’m kinda anxious. I know I hung out with him at the welcome-back party, but this feels different.”

“Maybe because it’s your second date? And now, you know you really like him so you want it to go well.”

Vivi raised an eyebrow at me. “I bet you’re right. I hope he likes me as much as I like him.”

“Who wouldn’t like you?” I came over to stand beside her in front of our full-length mirror. “He better be great to you, or I’ll hunt him down.”

That made Vivi laugh. “Oh, you will now, huh?”

“Yup. It’s best-friend code.”

“Then the same goes for Mila. She better be great to you or else.”


Vivi and I smiled at each other in the mirror.

“Ready?” she asked me.

“Not even a little bit!”

“Abs, you’re going to have so much fun. Mila’s so freaking lucky to be going with you, and don’t forget that. And if things get awkward or weird, I’ll be around. And so will Thea. And everyone else.” She turned to me and put her hands on my shoulders. “It’s going to be great!”

My mouth was dry, and I felt a little dizzy, but I nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Together, Vivi and I left Amherst House and headed for the sports fields. The sun was starting to set, and the lights were popping on all over campus. The older students and some teachers had been working hard on decorating and setting up this week. I’d seen a hint of it when I’d jogged by the fields for gym. But I hadn’t wanted to look more closely until it was finished.

My phone buzzed, and I almost dropped it. What if it was Mila saying she wasn’t coming? I forced myself to check with one eye closed.

Mila: On campus! Be at the parking lot in a min :)

I showed my phone to Vivi.


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