The Set Up: Grumpy Billionaire Boss, Nanny (Paper Billionaires #1) by Ainsley St Claire

The Set Up: Grumpy Billionaire Boss, Nanny (Paper Billionaires #1) by Ainsley St Claire

Author:Ainsley St Claire [St Claire, Ainsley]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Fiction / Contemporary, Fiction / Romance, Naughty Bits (aka PWP)
Goodreads: 109335930
Publisher: Loisir Publishing
Published: 2023-04-02T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 21


It’s official. I’m divorced, according to the state of Illinois. And to further commemorate this beautiful Friday in May, today is extra special because it’s the last one of the school year. In just a few hours, Avery, Cooper, and Logan will be dismissed from class, and summer vacation can officially begin. I know they’re excited, because for weeks, I’ve been hearing about all kinds of plans—swimming, hiking, biking, exploring...

Grayson and I have spent the last six weeks working together to keep the kids on a schedule. He’s been busy with the acquisition of Hearst Logistics, but he’s put in a lot of effort to be there for the kids, and he even made time to attend Avery’s year-end program. That was incredibly sweet of him.

We’ve also tried to get away by ourselves one night a week. I wouldn’t call it a date, really. We use the time to catch up on what’s going on with the children, and we’ve talked for long hours about our lives and gotten to know one another. Well, mostly anyway. I’ve continued to resist telling him the full story about Henry and the mess he created. And Grayson has kept his distance, leaving it to me to tell him when, or if, I want more. I’m in charge, which means I manage the situation at night when I return to my room. He always stands rigid, almost as if he’s afraid to touch me. And I suppose I’m glad he’s nervous, because I know if he did make a move again, I would absolutely combust and melt right into him. Getting to know him has only made him more attractive to me, even with all his flaws. His longing looks make my heart race, but I remind myself that nothing good can come from us getting involved in that way. I cannot jeopardize this job and the stability it means for Avery.

Despite our complicated situation, I think Grayson and I are equally excited for the end of the school year because we’re heading out of town for the summer. Grayson has set things up to work from the house in Lake Tahoe. He may have to fly out or return to San Francisco a few times, but he’ll mostly work remotely from there.

Paula will remain with the house in San Francisco. She’s going to take a class that is only offered in the summer, and she’ll deal with a few maintenance issues and manage the repainting of the downstairs while we’re gone.

After our last conference with Logan and Cooper’s teacher, we learned we have some work to do over the summer break to get him reading at grade level, so we’ve invited Blake to join us for the summer. That seems the easiest way to make sure Cooper keeps up with his tutoring, and we’ll have an extra babysitter on hand when needed as well. Everyone seems excited about this plan, and Grayson asked Blake to help out with finding educational activities for both boys this summer, so it’s not just a free for all the whole time we’re at the lake.


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