The Butler's Vessel (Duty & Magic: MM Modern Day Regency) by S. Rodman

The Butler's Vessel (Duty & Magic: MM Modern Day Regency) by S. Rodman

Author:S. Rodman [Rodman, S.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Dark Angst Publishing
Published: 2024-01-14T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter eighteen

Where am I? Waking up feels like swimming through treacle. Uphill.

This isn’t my bed. But my brain isn’t giving up any further information yet. All I know is that I am groggy and disoriented.

Suddenly, everything comes back in a rush. Wyesdale has abducted me.

I sit up and draw in a horrified gasp at the same time. Chains clank and my arms are restricted. I stare at the tight cuffs around my wrists. My eyes track the chains to the ring in the wall. I am chained to a bed.

I look down at my body. It is dressed in gray sweatpants and a white tee shirt. Someone dressed me while I was out cold. Someone manhandled my defenseless, naked body.

A wave of nausea washes over me. The violation feels terrifying. Did anything else happen? Panic is gripping at my lungs, restricting my ability to breathe.

My ass doesn’t feel sore or stretched. I don’t think I have been used, but what if I can’t tell? I don’t know how long I was out for. It could have been long enough for any echoing sensation to fade. And if I was unconscious, would that mean my body was so relaxed that there would be little trace anyway?

My heart is hammering. My palms are sweaty. Any minute now, I’m going to retch.

Breathe Barny. Breathe and think. Wyesdale is a mage, if he has done anything, it would have drained my magic.

Frantically, I reach for my magic and assess it. If anything, it feels stronger than last time I checked. Wyesdale hasn’t emptied me. Unless I’ve been here for weeks, but I don’t think that is true, because Jeeves wouldn’t take weeks to rescue me. So therefore, Wyesdale has not emptied me. Yet.

I’m a vessel and he is a mage. He has abducted me and chained me to a bed in a windowless room. I may not be the brightest, but I’m not that dim.

I try to swallow, but my throat is too tight. Is Jeeves going to get here before Wyesdale decides to use me? I have every faith in Jeeves. I know with every part of me that he is going to move heaven and hell to get me back. Not because he loves me, but because that is who he is as a person. He thinks of me as someone in his care. Someone he needs to protect.

It doesn’t mean he is going to get here in time. Wyesdale planned this. He probably has formidable wards surrounding his home, or wherever I am now.

I don’t understand why he is doing this, but I believe he is capable of doing a good job of it. He doesn’t appear to be unintelligent.

I draw in another shuddering breath. Why is Wyesdale doing this? Surely he is not so insulted at being dumped? He doesn’t seem insane, regardless of what other flaws he has.

I’m not a particularly powerful vessel. Nor am I wealthy enough to ransom. I’m certainly nowhere near pretty enough to cause anyone’s infatuation.


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