Storm is Coming by M.W. Fletcher

Storm is Coming by M.W. Fletcher

Author:M.W. Fletcher
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Contemporary Fiction, Action & Adventure, Terrorism & urban conflicts, Police, Fast paced, Heroes & Villains, Men’s interest, Secrecy & Mystery, Law & Disorder, Romance, Crime thriller, Suspense
ISBN: 9781785385094
Publisher: Andrews UK
Published: 2016-05-25T00:00:00+00:00


A Warehouse in

Port Royal Street

On the corner with

Gold Street



Lat = 17 degrees, 57.9 minutes North

Long = 76 degrees, 47.2 minutes West

Sunday 14th January 1990 (two days later)

Twenty-three twenty hours local time.

Five hours behind GMT

Chief Superintendent Attlee had no idea how long he had been captive, his eyes were blindfolded and he had a gag in his mouth, if he had had to guess the elapsed time, probably a good twelve hours.

He was in a seated position on a rough chair with his arms and legs bound, on three occasions someone had entered the room and removed his hood and poured water into his mouth, before replacing the hood.

At around eleven hundred hours local time on the Sunday morning, he had been walking along Spanish Town Road when a van had pulled up against the kerb several yards ahead of him; he had paid very little attention to this, as it was a very common occurrence.

As he was walking alongside the van, the passenger door opened and a man got out colliding with Stan, the man said, “So sorry mon!”

He immediately felt a blow to the back of his head and darkness overcame him.

His thoughts were broken when he heard the door opening and felt the breeze that accompanied it; he heard two sets of footsteps and felt one of them go around to the back of him followed by the hood being yanked from his head.

His eyes being out of focus through the sudden rush of light into them noticed a shape in front of him that began to come into focus as his eyes adjusted to the light; he immediately recognised the figure as Horantis Mattis AKA Uzi.

To his left was a small wooden table with his wallet on it and the contents scattered around it including his Met Police warrant card.

The man behind him came around to his right side and joined Uzi, it was Lenky AKA Ralston Denton, Uzi said, “Wha ah yuh deya Mr Babylon?”

(“What are you doing here Mr Policeman?”)

Chief Superintendent Attlee had the jist of what had been said and replied, “I am on holiday why have you kidnapped me?”

“Why yuh been bout my house Mr Babylon?

(“Why you been at my house Mr Policeman?”)

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Uzi looked at him for a few moments and then went to the table picking up the warrant card, “it says yahso yuh a chief superintendent Stanley Attlee!”

(it says right here you a chief superintendent Attlee!”)

Lenky moved forward quickly snatching the warrant card from Uzi’s hand and looked at it and then at Stan.

Stan immediately could see in the man’s face he had put two and two together and looked him directly in the eye and said, “That’s right you bastard you killed my brother in cold blood in London two weeks ago.”

Lenky moved forward and with his right hand, struck a vicious blow to Stan’s left cheek drawing blood from his lip and before he could strike again, Uzi moved forward and restrained


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