Shadowcroft Academy For Dungeons: Year Three by James Hunter & Aaron Michael Ritchey

Shadowcroft Academy For Dungeons: Year Three by James Hunter & Aaron Michael Ritchey

Author:James Hunter & Aaron Michael Ritchey [Hunter, James & Ritchey, Aaron Michael]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Shadow Alley Press
Published: 2023-02-14T00:00:00+00:00


Shadowcroft motioned for Logan to sit. Wintersylver was already in a desk next to Lolozi Webbs.

Professor Suresh’s white suit brought out the orange in his tiger stripes. A diamond necklace glittered around his neck. Equally as well dressed was Yullis Rockheart, though he had gone with formal red and black robes. He didn’t sit but stood hulking at the side of the room, grimacing.

Weavelord frowned as Lolozi Webbs raised her chin. Her eight legs rested in a web behind her. “I have to agree with Skip. Excuse me, Headmaster Shadowcroft.”

“Skip is fine,” the tree man said with a wave of a wooden hand. “Despite Yullis’ attire, I believe we can drop some of the formality here. First and foremost, we are comrades united in a single goal, to provide education for dungeon cores.”

“I agree completely,” Lolozi said, her webs vibrating. “Although I appreciate dear Wintersylver’s courage in the face of this tragedy, we cannot let our students be slaughtered by this maniac. If he found the locations of our semifinals, he most certainly will find the two cores who will be fighting in the finals. We’ve already lost enough promising young stars.”

Weavelord scurried up to stand on his desk. “That might not be case, Madam Headmistress. You said to drop the formalities, but as a representative of the Department of Universal Dungeon Efficiency, I rely on formalities. For example, I will now say hello to Ms. Therian. Good morning to you, Mrs. Therian. See? All very formal.”

Marko was slouched in his seat. “Yeah, formalities rock. So, tell me, spider man, why might that not be the case?”

Weavelord’s cheeks colored with anger. “Mr. Weavelord is how you will address me, Mr. Laskarelis. If you would’ve read the tournament rules, you would know that the worlds for the finals are chosen at the last minute, when a fresh Celestial Node appears. No one will know the locations ahead of time.”

Marko stared at Wintersylver. “So that means if anyone had ratted out dungeons during the semifinals, they couldn’t do it in the finals. Right, Wintersylver?”

The White Wyrm nodded. “That is correct, Marko, though I can’t imagine why you’re looking at me like that. I don’t need outside help to defeat the likes of you.”

“If you must know,” Marko snapped, “I’m paranoid. Because I have reasons to be paranoid. Because there’s a good chance you are an agent of the Zeta Ridiculans, who are being manipulated by the Deep Dark, who are in turn infected by the Spore Lords, who want nothing more than to destroy the Tree of Souls.”

“That’s enough,” Inga snapped, shooting Marko an ugly look. “I would like to apologize, Ms. Gracefreeze, for Marko’s outburst. Of course you had nothing to do with Lou Shador’s discovery of the semifinal locations.”

Logan gave Inga a nod. She was right to step in. They couldn’t accuse Wintersylver without proof. Besides, they just might be able to use her connection to Lou Shador to their benefit. If she had one. But how?

Logan didn’t know. But he did know cancelling the tournament felt wrong.


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