One & Done: How to stand by your DECISION of creating a HAPPY FAMILY- With Your Only Child by VERONICA D'SOUZA

One & Done: How to stand by your DECISION of creating a HAPPY FAMILY- With Your Only Child by VERONICA D'SOUZA

Language: eng
Format: azw3
Publisher: BookMedia
Published: 2020-12-11T00:00:00+00:00

Let Your Child Make Decisions.

The famous saying “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think” by Margaret Mead needs to be made into practice for creating innovative minded children.

Today’s children are going to be the future generation so care should be taken while teaching them.

Recently, I had been to meet a friend of mine for a casual chat after almost a year and a half. It may have been just 15 mins since we started our conversation that her 7-year-old kid came up with a question – Mumma which color T-shirt should I wear? Red? Blue?

Mom: Whichever you would want to.

A minute later.

Kid: Mumma please tell. I cannot decide. Both are my favorite colors. Please choose one for me.

Mom: Go ahead, child. Your choice.

Kid: Mumma. No. I cannot decide. Both are my favorite.

My friend had to decide for the kid. She exhibited a great sense of pride and joy because the kid relied on her opinions.

Little did she realize the damage that she was doing.

In the case of an only child, they rely on inputs from the parents even for the simplest things. If we are always doing stuff and thinking for our children, would they learn to do and think on their own?

Would we want them to grow physically, yet be dependant? What growth is it then?

Let’s try to set the stage for future decision-making. In the case of a toddler, simple choices, like while doing coloring activities, wouldn’t it be nice to let the child choose the colors, explore their creative mind?

Bedtime stories are fun to rewind at the end of the day. And we are so excited that we tend to pick a particular book because we feel that’s the best. Instead, the child can have the choice of books to read. We can always suggest, help them see the beauty in every book, but let them analyze and choose accordingly.

With a lot of love from parents and even grandparents and some help from friends, our only child will turn into a well-adjusted person who can confidently make small decisions on their own.

On any given day, a parent can make various decisions like deciding what foods are acceptable for breakfast, where to go on a holiday, where to go out for dinner, etc. However, regarding minor decisions you make, like the choice of snacks or fruits or maybe the indoor game the child would want to play with you, let them make their own decision.

They can begin to feel important and have confidence in their abilities to do so.

As humans when we are given the importance we start behaving responsibly. This reflects in our performance too, because we start taking tasks seriously, thus resulting in a better outcome. It’s our innate quality.

Similarly, the child feels like it is not mommy and daddy only, but they too have an important role in the family and their opinions matter too. This motivates them to start taking responsibility.

As parents of an only child, creating happiness in our family is a constant process.


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