Oath and Honor by Liz Cheney

Oath and Honor by Liz Cheney

Author:Liz Cheney [CHENEY, LIZ]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Published: 2023-12-05T00:00:00+00:00

We are proud of Rep. Cheney’s courage. In the face of calls to lawlessness from high places, she adhered to her solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution… all Wyomingites should applaud her understanding of her duties and her willingness to perform them, irrespective of the personal or political cost she might pay.

It meant a great deal to me that the signatories, many of the most respected jurists in our state, recognized the peril of the moment and were willing to step up publicly and say so. They republished the letter in July 2022 with additional signatories and a link to a report debunking Donald Trump’s stolen-election lies. Titled “Lost Not Stolen,” the report had been issued earlier in 2022 by prominent conservative lawyers and legal scholars, including several retired federal judges, senators, and a former solicitor general who served in the Bush administration.

For months, my office was inundated with calls, emails, and letters about January 6. Some were supportive, others less so. The young staffers who answered calls from angry citizens—many not even Wyoming constituents—earned their pay every day. They also demonstrated tremendous professionalism and patience in the face of some vile attacks. They calmly provided details to rebut some of the claims we heard repeatedly, but certain callers would not listen to reason.

There were messages of gratitude, too. Among the many incoming messages, one of my favorites was a handwritten note from a Wyoming voter: “Liz: Never liked you much, but I’m starting to.”

Most of the county-level Republican Party organizations across the state passed resolutions censuring me. The language of all the censure resolutions was the same, and falsely blamed Antifa for January 6. Later in the year, a number of these same county parties passed resolutions saying they “no longer recognized me as a Republican.” I responded that I no longer recognized them, either—they certainly didn’t represent the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan I had grown up in.

I was greeted by protestors at some of my events back home. We arrived at a coffee shop in Rock Springs in May 2021, for example, to find a group standing on the sidewalk with signs reading LIZ CHENEY IS A TRAITOR. I walked over to them and invited them to come inside so we could have a discussion. The invitation surprised them. (I’m sure my Capitol Police detail was surprised, too, but they never said a word.)

One man and his wife seemed to be leading the group. It quickly became clear that the man had been in Washington for January 6.

“I was in the Capitol on January 6th,” he said.

His wife hurriedly patted his arm: “No, you mean you were near the Capitol.”

They sat down inside, placing their LIZ CHENEY IS A TRAITOR sign carefully at their feet. I stood and explained how our legal system works, how the courts had ruled, why Mike Pence lacked the authority to undo an election. The husband interrupted to stress that he opposed Biden’s policies. I agreed with him on that.


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