New Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training by Vella Mark;

New Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training by Vella Mark;

Author:Vella, Mark;
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing


• Stand with your feet shoulder distance apart.

• Keep your posture aligned and your spine neutral.

• Knees should be at approximately 30° flexion.

• Keep elbows extended with a firm grip on the kettlebell, held just in front of the body.

• Note: Both the Russian and American swing have the same starting position.


• The American kettlebell swing only differs from the traditional Russian swing in the top position. The start position and movement pattern of the swing itself are identical.

• The power of the swing is generated from the hip extensors, while the spine is held perfectly stable and neutral.

• The key to a good kettlebell swing is effectively generating the controlled momentum at the hips and sending the weight forwards, as opposed to squatting the weight up or lifting up with the arms. This requires an intense stabilization while generating power primarily from the Glutes and secondarily from the shoulder muscles.

• In the American swing, do not elevate the shoulders to raise the kettlebell into the top position.

• Avoid rounding the chest and hunching the shoulders. Keep them open. Aim to depress and widen the shoulder blades against the back, activating the Serratus anterior.

• While the American version of the swing moves the kettlebell through a greater range of motion, it places mores stress on the relatively unstable shoulder joint at the top portion of the swing. Therefore, in the American swing, use a relatively lower weight compared to the Russian swing.

• Choose a weight that allows proper form and the strength or speed/power outcome desired (i.e., heavier weights for strength, moderately lighter for speed and power).

• Inhale on the downward swing motion, exhale at the top of the swing.


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