Ludsecke (Fernsby's War Book 3) by J.C. Jarvis

Ludsecke (Fernsby's War Book 3) by J.C. Jarvis

Author:J.C. Jarvis [Jarvis, J.C.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Wherry Road Press, LLC
Published: 2024-02-28T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 35

As the clocked ticked towards midnight, Michael pulled on his black woollen trench coat and waited for Major Sanders at the front entrance of the officers’ mess. Two tipsy officers in uniform walked past them, eyeing him suspiciously.

The older of the two, who looked to be in his mid thirties, looked Michael up and down, and pulled his face in disapproval at the choice of civilian attire he was wearing.

“Who are you?” he asked in an accusatory manner. Michael thought he sounded just like a younger version of Robert Stourcliffe, such was the upper crust accent he used.

Michael ignored him and looked away.

“Don’t ignore me, soldier,” the tipsy officer sneered again. “I asked you a question. What are you doing at the officers’ mess at this hour? The privates’ quarters are over there.” He pointed to his left in the darkness.

Michael slowly turned to face the angry, drunken officer. “Who are you?” he asked.

“I’m Major Arnold of the Blues and Royals, Household Cavalry.” The officer pulled himself to his full height of around five feet eight inches. “I ask again, who are you, soldier, and what are you doing outside the officers’ mess?”

Michael was already highly strung because of what he was about to do, and he felt the anger rising in the pit of his stomach. Resisting the urge to slap the arrogant officer, he instead stepped backwards so he was out of range.

“I’m waiting for someone.”

“Who? What is someone like you doing here at this time of night? I think you’re up to no good.”

“I will be if you don’t sod off!” Michael snapped and stepped towards the major, who stepped back in surprise.

“I’ll have you court martialled for this,” the officer stammered. Michael could see his nose turning red and he held himself back from smacking him on it.

“God help us if you’re the kind of officer who’s going to lead us to victory,” Michael answered back.

As the argument raged, Tony Sanders joined them. “What’s going on, gentlemen?” he asked. “Is there something wrong?”

“I asked who this scruff was and what he was doing outside the officers’ mess. He answered me back terribly rudely and I’m going to have him court marshalled,” the man spat over Sanders, who wiped his face with the back of his hand.

“No, you won’t. You’re drunk and you’re making an arse of yourself, so I suggest you go inside and sleep it off. You have no idea who this man is but I assure you, you wouldn’t want to find out.”

Sanders stood between the major and Michael, but Michael stepped past him. “Hey, Rupert,” he said. “If you hadn’t noticed, this is an RAF base, not an army one. You’re either drunk, lost, or stupid, and I’d place my bet on the latter.”

“How dare you? My name’s not Rupert!” the officer raged, his nose even brighter than before.

“Be careful.” Michael laughed, enraging him even further. “You’ll be breaking blackout rules if that nose gets any brighter.”

“That’s enough,” Sanders snapped. “Wait here and don’t say another word,” he said to Michael.


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