Levi's Vow (Winning His Devotion Book 9) by Penny Zeller

Levi's Vow (Winning His Devotion Book 9) by Penny Zeller

Author:Penny Zeller [Zeller, Penny]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Maplebrook Publishing
Published: 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00

On Thursday after the noonday meal, Norah packed the two jars of raspberry preserves and a loaf of bread in a burlap sack and rode her horse to Audney’s house. The spring air invigorated her, and she inhaled deeply as the breeze tickled her face. Nothing compared to Idaho in the spring.

When she and Mama moved to Cuyler Junction, Audney was one of the first women Norah met. The gracious woman in her forties, a younger version of her mother, Orlene, reminded Norah that not everyone gossiped about another’s misfortune. Rather than contribute to the wagging tongues in town, Audney came alongside Norah and prayed for her.

Norah tethered the horse and walked toward the humble cabin. Thankfully, Audney had two nearly-grown sons who assisted with the farm’s upkeep since her husband, Bard, hadn’t been well for several months.

“Oh, do come in!” Audney ushered Norah inside. The sickly scent of illness permeated the air, and Norah offered a prayer heavenward for both Bard’s healing and for Audney as she cared for him.

Norah handed Audney the preserves and bread, and tears filled the older woman’s eyes. “You know how I love your raspberry preserves. Thank you.”

“How is Bard?”

“Doing as well as can be expected. We keep praying. Doc has given us some tonics to assist with the pain, but…” Audney sighed. “We’re not giving up yet. He’s resting right now, which eases my mind since he’s been so tired as of late. Come, I have something for Enoch.”

Audney led her around the corner to the table and handed her two pairs of trousers. “Bard, Jr. has outgrown them, and since he’s only a few years older than Enoch, I figured they’d fit him quite well.”

It was Norah’s turn to hug her friend. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I was just praying the crop would enable us to purchase fabric so I could sew Enoch a new pair. He’s been growing so much lately.”

“That’s what friends do—bless each other. Now tell me, how are things on the farm? How is Bess? The children?”

“Mama is doing well. Of course, she is fond of Doc, and he’s fond of her. I think the only reason she hasn’t agreed to marry him is because she fears leaving us.” Norah smoothed her hand over the trousers. “Hazel is doing well and is as spirited as ever. Enoch has started talking a bit more, thanks to Levi Callahan, a man we hired to assist us on the farm.” At the mention of his name, the heat climbed up Norah’s neck. Would her trusted friend notice?

Audney tilted her head toward Norah. “I hope he won’t be a cad like that last hired hand.”

“So far he has proven to be just the opposite. He works hard, and Enoch has taken a liking to him.”

“And is Enoch the only one who’s taken a liking to him?”

The heat radiated from her neck to her face. “Mama, who, of course, cottons to nearly everyone, likes him, as does Hazel.


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