Godzilla x Kong by Greg Keyes

Godzilla x Kong by Greg Keyes

Author:Greg Keyes
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Titan

Monarch Control


“Director?” Laurier said.

“Yes?” Hampton didn’t look up from her monitor. She had been through everything twice now, but she felt that she had to be missing something.

“The sub is nearing the target.”

“Yeah,” she said. “Godzilla?”

“He submerged a few hours ago. But given his speed and trajectory, he should be there too.”

“Speed and trajectory? Don’t we have eyes on him?”

“Not at the moment. The energy field from Tiamat’s lair is playing havoc with the instruments. The sub and fly-over crew have been playing it safe since the EMP incident in France.”

“Bring the sub in closer,” she said. “We need to know what’s happening there.”

Laurier nodded and went off to her station.

“What are you up to, Godzilla?” she murmured. But she knew, didn’t she? She just didn’t want to believe it. She had been going through every bit of information collected about Tiamat, and especially that gathered in the past few years, since the sea-serpent Titan had been defeated by Godzilla in the Pacific. It looked like Tiamat’s first instinct was to just get away from Godzilla. Monarch had tracked her erratic path for months. Notably, at no point during that period had she attacked anything. The working theory was that she was trying to comply with Godzilla’s “instructions.” After his fight with her, before he himself became quiescent in some caves deep below the Pacific waters, on the outskirts of Hollow Earth, he had seemed to send out some sort of signal commanding the Titans to become dormant. Tiamat looked like she was complying along with the rest of them. She had challenged Godzilla and been put in her place, and now she was doing what the King of the Monsters bid her.

She had found her new, energy-rich lair in the Arctic, and since then she hadn’t come out. Hampton had hoped to find some evidence that the Titan had slipped off to trouble the shipping lanes or perhaps trash a coastal village or two, but there was no evidence or even rumors that she had done anything but hang out in her iceberg palace.

Usually, when Godzilla went after another Titan, there was an obvious reason. Scylla had been on a rampage—Godzilla ended it, with extreme prejudice. It fit the usual pattern; get out of line, Godzilla would come along and straighten you out.

But Tiamat had been playing nice. Sure, she could just be charging up, planning a future excursion to New York, Copenhagen, or Sydney. Maybe Godzilla knew that somehow and was just being pre-emptive. Maybe years in her lair had made her much stronger, and she was the threat he had been charging up to fight before she became too much to handle.

Or he was just going there to murder Tiamat, steal her energy source and further power up to face what must be an unthinkably dangerous threat.

She hoped desperately that it was the first, but just as she could find no evidence of bad behavior on Tiamat’s part, nor could she find any link between Tiamat and the distress call from Hollow Earth.


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