Goblin Slayer, Vol. 16 by Kumo Kagyu and Noboru Kannatuki

Goblin Slayer, Vol. 16 by Kumo Kagyu and Noboru Kannatuki

Author:Kumo Kagyu and Noboru Kannatuki [Kagyu, Kumo and Kannatuki, Noboru]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Yen On
Published: 2023-11-21T00:00:00+00:00

He sounded like he would put a fish on dry land and encourage it to run. Priestess still had questions, but she chose not to voice them. She suspected the paladin would happily continue to talk anyway.

“Sometimes, Your Highness… Your Highness?”

“Er…oh!” Priestess blinked. “Yes?”

“Sometimes I see the great festivals and think, We must reform the Earth Mother’s ceremonies.”

“Um… How so?”

“I’m referring to the dancing girl at the harvest festival.” Priestess cocked her head, so the paladin of the Supreme God continued. “Her outfit shows far too much skin for a young woman! No cleric should appear like that in public.”

“Ah…” Priestess sounded a bit strained, but she managed a facial expression whose exact meaning was open to interpretation.

After all, she was herself one of those who had appeared in this outfit that one must never wear in public. Now, years after the fact, she was able to see it for the honor it had been. Not that she felt or had felt no embarrassment—but the pride was greater.

I was so inexperienced back then…

Of course, she still had much growing to do even now.

That was an excellent adventure.

The paladin of the Supreme God continued to argue, even as Priestess let her thoughts wander. From questioning the propriety of such garments in public, the logic quickly took a leap. The ritual cast doubt on the moral character of the dancers. It inflamed the desires of the spectating believers. Which was to say, it could be taken to suggest that the Earth Mother herself was a seductress. By extension, it was an offense to all women!

He didn’t even spare the maidens who trod on the grapes of the early harvest. How could they say that showing skin was immoral yet work the grapes in their bare feet?

“I can’t believe that any woman would engage in such activities willingly. Reform is necessary at the earliest possible…”

Priestess was only half listening, but she thought she could hear the blood rushing to her head. His words reminded her of long-ago events that had been an embarrassment to people she treasured. A foolish plot that they had at last undone, and now he wanted to drag the entire thing through the mud again.

Anger boiled in the pit of her stomach, but she forced it down.

No… Don’t do it…

She focused everything she had on breathing in, then forced herself to breathe out as calmly as possible. She had to resist letting her emotions make her cause a scene—or go drinking, as she had before.

And yet… She glanced at the two women behind her, who both wore awkward smiles. I guess it’s not my place to speak on the princess’s behalf.

Priestess privately pouted, wishing the others would think about what she was going through. That’s right: She actually pouted.

They didn’t all have to go away and leave me…

Of course, she understood the situation. She knew it was what it was. She understood she had been given this role because she was the only one who could do it—so she would do it as best she could.


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