(eng) Pam Uphoff - Wine of The Gods 28 by On the Run

(eng) Pam Uphoff - Wine of The Gods 28 by On the Run

Author:On the Run [Run, On the]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eighteen

Winter 1400 px/23-2-3517

St. Louis, Utopia

Mirk eyed the big cyborg thoughtfully. Is he keeping me close because he distrusts me? Because he like to have the former mayor running his errands? Or because he's lonely and needs someone to talk to?

"Our techs report that the mentalist embryos have been successfully defrosted and have started cellular division. We should know in a week if their further development is normal." He glanced down at his list. "Five barracks finished, and the main mess hall and kitchens are nearly finished. Food production has been bumped up five percent, and that seems to be covering your soldiers' needs. That's . . . well, that's pretty much it."

"Yes. Until the gate opens again, and I get more people through."

Was that a worry line creasing Von Cratz's forehead?

"I don't understand how these gates work. You need both mentalists and machinery?" A nod and frown. "And the fire . . . do you think the machinery was damaged, or the mentalists hurt?" Dare I hope killed?

That got an impatient shrug. "I will find out when it opens. No point in wasting time speculating."

Bored. That's not good.

Von Cratz shoved away from the desk and paced the length of the mayor's office and back. "Nexus . . . I need a woman. Send one to my hotel room."

"Please specify the job requirements so that I can send the appropriately trained personnel. There are no tasks that require female specific workers, and we always seek . . . "

"Shut up, machine. I want a woman to fuck."

"We strongly recommend Virtual reality venues for recreational sexual experiences."

Von Cratz ground his teeth and headed for the door.

Down the stairs to the subbasement.

Mirk followed him, apprehension building. Does he think a face-to-CPU discussion will work better? He stopped abruptly and let the door at the base of the stairs close behind Von Cratz. "Nexus, do you have citizens of the female persuasion who enjoy physical sex?"

"Yes, despite my . . . "

"Nexus, stop, please. Von Cratz is very dangerous. Talk to these women and ask for a volunteer to have sex with a cyborg. Pick the prettiest . . . no. Show me the pictures of the volunteers and I will tell you which one to send. Do not report this while I am in Von Cratz's presence or hearing range."

Mirk walked down the last flight and through the door.

In time to hear the screaming.

"Mirk Negue! He has killed a person and is having non-consensual sex with another! I . . . I do not know how to respond."

Mirk stopped. He did not want to see anything he might be moved to try to stop.

When did I turn into a hero? Never, that's when, so don't be stupid.

"You will say whatever is needed to keep him from killing someone else. You will say 'Yes, sir.' and 'No, sir.' as needed to de-escalate this situation."

"Yes, sir." It was probably his imagination that made the machine voice sound faint.

Heavy footsteps, Von Cratz stalked around the nearest corner.


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