(eng) Pam Uphoff - Wine of The Gods 08 by Dark Lady

(eng) Pam Uphoff - Wine of The Gods 08 by Dark Lady

Author:Dark Lady [Lady, Dark]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Twenty-four

Tuesday, April 7, 3493 AD

Jeramtown, Arrival

Liz was surprised that December rested for an entire week, before deciding to join the scouts watching the retreating Army's progress.

"What if your god comes back?"

"Well, I wandered around for a month before I found Jeramtown. So I suspect I'll be back before he gets here."

Kurt pinched the bridge of his nose. "If, Lady December, you are feeling particularly invisible, you might get ahead of the army and follow any messengers they send out. No doubt some will go to Paree, but surely they'll be sending news of this debacle to any other armies out there. If they are planning on attacking Arrival City . . . Let me show you a map."

Liz sighed. "And mind you, with these Corridors, I expect you to come home to feed Quail twice a day and get a good night's sleep."

"Yes, Mother. Goodness, I can cheat like that, can't I?" December grinned and turned her attention to the map. The border between Arrival and Arbolia was a long low valley filled with lakes and bogs. It reached from steep scarps up to the high desert in the west to the ocean in the east and had five spots where crossing was possible without boats.

"Unless there's been a lot of rain, or a long drought." Kurt cast a dubious glance outside. The day was overcast, but they'd had only a few brief showers, so far. "This year has been very strange. Makes me wonder if the priests can control the weather. As dry as it has been, the marshes between Lake Endor and Lake Morgaine have probably nearly dried up. That has to have been the route they took to get here. Messages to Paree will go straight south, messages to another army, probably to the east."

December touched a name on the map. "Meridian? Is that their state, over there?"

"The former country. My maps are ten years out of date. We've been talking our heads off, and preparing for their next expansion for most of the decade." Kurt sighed. "Find that army for me, count them and come tell me where they are. We need to know if this is their big push, or if they're just trying to take a small nibble."

"Yes, sir!" December raised her hands and then hesitated. "I think perhaps I should anchor my Corridor outside the walls, just in case."

"Indeed. And perhaps, umm, open the South Gate for us?"

"Oh. Yes. Good idea."

Liz fussed and made sure she had food and water, a new sword, had fed Quail . . . eventually she gave up and watched her ride away.

Kurt wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I suspect she'll be well . . . Busy. Deadly. I wonder what she'll do to an Army if she finds one?"


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