(eng) P. S. Power - Gwen Farris 07 by To End All Wars

(eng) P. S. Power - Gwen Farris 07 by To End All Wars

Author:To End All Wars [Wars, To End All]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter twelve

The meal that night was fancier than Gwen would have figured on. Being that they were on a ship and all that. The Captain, Admiral Welk, didn’t normally have an eight-course meal delivered to table by four servers or anything. Not that she knew of. The pilot wasn’t there, of course, since death for them all was the outcome of that particular invitation. They did get the First Mate, a forty something man named Billings, along with the A-pilot.

Which was someone that she’d never met before. A woman, who looked like she and Erica could pal around without any real issue due to age.

They also had Gloria and Duke Morten. After all, the man was a Duke, and everyone there was going to know about it, so leaving him out was kind of a poor plan. Not that Groundling would have cared about that part of things. He was probably exhausted already, from loading all day.

The Admiral winked at Ethyl as soon as they’d finished the first course.

“So, I hear that my younger sister saved the whole ship, all by herself?”

It was a bit playful, but Gloria cleared her throat.

“Not all by herself, and probably not saved… But that hose was gone. We would have probably lost two days if the rockets had run dry, so… It helped. She did good work, too. Solid. For real, not just me saying that because she’s your sister.”

The man stopped then, and bothered to at least pretend to be impressed.

“Really? Well, thank you then, Ethyl. We’ve been pushing things lately, trying to get enough help in. The issue there is that a lot of the best loaders come directly from the Air-Navy.” There was a look for Reggie then, who glanced down at the table top.

Groundling spoke up, nodding.

“That’s a good occupation for most. Reggie here did good work today, by the way. Enough that I was going to recommend him working the next cruise with us.”

There was a silence at the table, as the Admiral looked a bit shocked, and almost everyone else looked at Duke Morten.

It was Erica who spoke then, her voice a bit tight sounding. Duke Morten was one of the most protected people in the kingdom, even if he insisted on being a free agent at the same time. So the girl had been given actual training that required her to defer to him. Except that she was young enough to fight that.

“No.” She nearly froze then, as Heather looked half panicked.

The Duke smiled. His real one.

“You think there’s a better plan for him?”

The poor Westmorland girl actually went pale, but took a deep breath and nodded.

“Yes, sir. He… He was thinking of going into the Air-Navy, due to the war? Except that… He has a background in magics already, as well as history. I was thinking that he should volunteer to help run one of the new programs. Like the SRR? They’re a civilian group, but will need someone like a managing officer. He has university training, so he’d just need command classes, and some training in teletransport.


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