Death of a Debtor by Jenna Harte

Death of a Debtor by Jenna Harte

Author:Jenna Harte [Harte, Jenna]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: camelpress
Published: 2019-02-07T17:43:28+00:00

Chapter Ten

I headed home, my mind whirling with the information I’d learned and trying to sort out what it all could mean. Aunt Rose wasn’t home, and I remembered Thursday was her bridge group at the senior center. Even so, I stole away to my room and opened my notebook to record my thoughts.

Joseph Cullen had scheduled a meeting with Mr. Fletcher on the day he died but hadn’t made it. What sort of “import” business was Mr. Fletcher in? Could it be Cullen was importing the drugs and Mr. Fletcher was a dealer? Were they partners?

Of course, it was possible my imagination was running away with me. Maybe Mr. Fletcher imported white rugs and Cullen planned to buy one for his wife.

Then there was Maggie Cullen. I could see why Aunt Rose and Aggie suspected her. She clearly hated her husband and wished him dead. But did she kill him? I smacked my forehead as I realized I hadn’t asked her where’d she’d been at the time of her husband’s death. The first step in the “how to solve a mystery” instructions was getting the timeline, and I’d messed up by not learning where she was. For that matter, I didn’t ask Vivie either. Clearly, I wasn’t cut out to be a sleuth.

I tossed my book aside and pulled out my coupon binder to add my new coupons. I checked my watch. I still had a couple of hours before I had to be at work. I decided to study the booze book Spike gave me, make a list of great stories for his daughter and take a catnap.

Hours later, I walked into the Booty Burgo in my wench uniform. Avoiding Kyle, I clocked in and headed straight to the bar.

“How’s it shaking, Parker?” Spike was pouring a shot of tequila for a customer at the bar.

“I’m alright. I’ve been studying. Oh, and I made a list of books your daughter might like. They’re mostly Hans Christian Andersen.” I handed him the slip of paper.

“The Ugly Duckling guy?”

I nodded. “And The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, the Emperor’s New Clothes and The Snow Queen. That’s what the movie Frozen was based on.”

“Huh. Okay, thanks.”

I frowned. “They’re good stories.”

“I believe you.” He slipped the paper in his pocket.

I sighed. Not everyone enjoyed the magic and mystique of fairy tales.


I jumped at Kyle’s voice.


He held up two fingers, wagging them in a “come here” motion.

“You’re in trouble now,” Spike said in a low tone.

I smirked at him but dutifully went to Kyle, while I thought of satisfying ways to bring him down a peg or two. “Problem?”

“What’s this I hear about you being part of a murder?”

I worked to keep my face placid. “No.”

“You weren’t at the airport yesterday?”

“Oh that.”

He rolled his eyes.

“I was there with a friend, but we’d left before that man was killed.”

“You were with AJ Devlin. The sheriff thinks he did it.”

“He didn’t, though.”

He put his hands on his hips and glared at me. “How do you know?”

“I just do.


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